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DEH 1202 Head, Neck & Dental Anatomy

Gross anatomy of the head and neck region including the oral cavity. Morphology and function of permanent and primary dentition. Two classroom, two lab hours per week.

Division: Health Sciences
Department: Dental Health Sciences
Repeatable Credit: No
Offered Online: No

Prereqs: BIO 1141 AND Restricted to Majors 


  • Compare and contrast the structural and functional differences between the somatic and autonomic nervous systems. Identify selected nerves that innervate the oral cavity and para-oral tissues and delineate the innervations of each of these.
  • Identify the basic arterial and venous supply to the head and neck region and illustrate the oral and para-oral structures supplied by selected vessels.
  • Identify the anatomical structures that comprise the temporomandibular joint and differentiate among the various causes and symptoms of TMJ dysfunction.
  • Delineate the arrangement of the teeth into dentitions, arches, quadrants and sextants. Locate and describe the function of contact areas and embrasures.
  • Differentiate and compare morphological features of each permanent and primary tooth and assign the appropriate name and code number/letter to each tooth.
  • Compare and contrast the morphology and function of the various classes of teeth. Compare the various elements that comprise tooth structure including the structure, location, and function of enamel, dentin, cementum and the dental pulp.
  • Name and locate the gross anatomical structures of the oral and para-oral soft tissues. Compare and contrast the form and function of the three basic classes of oral mucosa and differentiate the structures that comprise the periodontium.
  • State the pattern and dates for eruption of all primary and permanent teeth and differentiate among the characteristics that contribute to mal-alignment or mal-positioning of teeth.
  • Describe Angle's classification of occlusion and define the terminology used in the analysis of the human dental occlusion.
  • Illustrate the morphological features of tooth roots and the root canals of individual teeth.
  • Name the bones comprising the human skull and distinguish their anatomical components.
  • Name and locate the muscle groups of the head and neck and differentiate the functions of these groups. Identify the location and action of individual muscles within these groups.

Credit Hours: 3

Classroom Hours: 2
Lab Hours: 2