New Student Orientation (NSO) is designed to help students make the transition to Sinclair and to college. By taking part in orientation you will learn about college and campus resources, support services, Sinclair's online tools, and much more.
Dayton Campus New Student Orientation--Dates To Be Announced!
Mason Location New Student Orientation:
Wednesday, January 8th, 2pm-4pm
Thursday, January 9th, 4pm-6pm
All Mason orientation events will be located in the Community Room, Bldg. B on the Sinclair Mason campus.
Start your journey at Sinclair Community College by completing our online orientation, which covers student support, registration, and more! Log in using Apple, Google, X, Facebook. You can also use an email address by creating a new account with a 12-character password. You can even access on your mobile device!
Guests: Are you a family member or support person of a Sinclair student or a prospective Sinclair student who wants to learn more about the college? Feel free to browse the online orientation as a guest! Your completion will not be recorded, so no login, activities or assessments are required!
Technical Requirements: When you click the button above, it will open and begin playing in a new window. Please ensure that you have disabled any pop-up blockers on your internet browser. This experience has been formatted for a desktop or tablet and is compatible with all modern browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer 10+ (JavaScript and cookies must be enabled). Once you have completed the orientation, you may access the mobile companion on your smart phone for quick reference.
If you have questions about New Student Orientation please call 937-512-3000 or email