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Sinclair Talks: Faith & Pride Fireside Chat

Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Time: 12:15 PM to 1:15 PM
Campus: Dayton
Location: Bld 8 Stage Area

Sinclair LGBTQ+ Advocate, Lex Rakovan, and Multifaith Campus Chaplain, Paul Strozier, have cultivated a special friendship as they serve side by side in the Sinclair Community. Bring your questions and your lunch and join Lex and Paul for an open and honest discussion on religion and relationships and how we may overcome sometimes conflicting culture to cultivate authentic community.

*Tables & Chairs provided. Feel free to bring your lunch. Digital Fireplace will be glowing steadily in the background.

Sinclair Talks: Faith & Pride Fireside Chat

Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Time: 12:15 PM to 1:15 PM
Campus: Dayton
Location: Bld 8 Stage Area

Sinclair LGBTQ+ Advocate, Lex Rakovan, and Multifaith Campus Chaplain, Paul Strozier, have cultivated a special friendship as they serve side by side in the Sinclair Community. Bring your questions and your lunch and join Lex and Paul for an open and honest discussion on religion and relationships and how we may overcome sometimes conflicting culture to cultivate authentic community.

*Tables & Chairs provided. Feel free to bring your lunch. Digital Fireplace will be glowing steadily in the background.