Sinclair Cycles is an initiative to boost bicycle commuting to Sinclair for study or work.
Please join us for a number of events beginning April 15 and culminating in Five Rivers MetroParks "Bike to Work Day" competition. Last year, Sinclair placed third. This year with your help, we are going for the grand prize!
Be a part of the Sinclair Cycles team by signing up at any of these events or by contacting the organizers listed below.
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Sinclair Cycles Kick-Off Event
Tuesday, April 15, 7:45 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., Building 8 Plaza
Get out and bike to Sinclair for work or study! Ride your bike to the plaza in front of building 8 where you can sign up to commit to ride for Five Rivers Metro Parks Bike to Work Day (see below), receive a free t-shirt, and have your name entered into a drawing to win a Sinclair Cycles riding jersey. Return to the plaza to try your hand at the Five Rivers Metro Parks mountain bike obstacle course from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Spring Fling: Five Rivers MetroParks Mountain Bike Obstacle Course
Tuesday, April 15, 10:00 a.m. -2:00 p.m., Building 8 Plaza
Enjoy an outdoor event for Sinclair's Spring Fling by trying your hand at Five Rivers Metro Parks Mountain Bike Obstacle Course in the plaza of building 8 (other Spring Fling Events in the Student Activities Center Building 8).
Sinclair Talks: Sinclair Cycles
Friday, April 18, 12 Noon - 1:00 p.m., Building 7 Library Loggia
Hear testimonials from Sinclair bike commuters and learn how to get ready to ride to work or study at Sinclair with advice from Five Rivers MetroParks.
Sinclair Cycles with the Courteous Mass
Friday, May 2, 5:30 p.m., Fifth Third Field
Bike to the entrance of Fifth Third Field to join the Courteous Mass, a group ride around the city. Courteous Mass rides every first Friday of the month to help everyone learn to share the road. Join them to "help raise awareness of bikes as transportation in Dayton, and to raise visibility of cyclists on our streets." All Sinclair participants will receive a free t-shirt (while supplies last).
Five Rivers MetroParks Bike to Work Day Pancake Breakfast
Friday, May 16, 7 a.m. - 9 a. m.*, RiverScape
This lively event draws hundreds of bike commuters from around the Miami Valley for a free pancake breakfast. Sinclair placed third last year, and every team member won a short-term membership to RiverScape Bike Hub. We are hoping to kick it up a notch to win the grand prize this year! Students are especially needed to ride as our chief rival UD has many student riders.
Questions? Contact or
*Note: Full-time non-faculty employees must take vacation or personal leave for regular work time when participating in the May 16th event. Part-time non-faculty employees will not be paid for the time during which they participate in the May 16th event.