To support and enhance the story being dramatized in the upcoming production of A Shayna Maidel, Sinclair's Theatre & Dance Department has collaborated with the Holocaust Remembrance & Education Committee to host three exhibits and a panel discussion designed to promote a better understanding of the Holocaust.
January 27-February 16
Bystander to Upstander: A banner exhibit from the Center for Holocaust and Humanity Education will be on display on the third floor hallway of Building 2 near the Black Box Theatre. The banners examine examples of bystanders who remained silent in the face of Nazi persecution and ultimately genocide, while also exploring the motivation of upstanders, those who chose not to stand by and instead stood up and spoke out against the Nazi regime. The exhibit sheds light on critical yet often overlooked perspectives of the Holocaust, while encouraging viewers to think about their own action or inaction.
January 30
Panel Discussion – 12:30 p.m. in Blair Hall Theatre
The cast of A Shayna Maidel will perform a scene and talk about how their research has helped them with their roles.
February 3-15
Her Story Must Be Told: Women's Voices from the Holocaust from the Center for Holocaust and Humanity Education will be located in Building 2, Room 2-334 (Green Room). This exhibit uniquely presents the memories, photos, and stories of 15 Jewish women who survived the Holocaust. The women are from a dozen countries, reflecting different survivor experiences.
In addition, Amanda Hayden, Sinclair Assistant Professor in Religion, Philosophy, Humanities and Discipline Coordinator of Religion has compiled photos into a digital presentation depicting the concentration camps then and now. Amanda's presentation will also be located in the Green Room across from the Black Box Theatre.
For additional information, contact the Theatre department at 512-2076. A Shayna Maidel will be performed in the Black Box Theatre located on the third floor of Building 2 February 7-15. For ticket information, click here.