Sinclair Community College and all of its regional center locations will be closed Monday, January 6, 2025, due to the weather conditions.
Theatre Students and Faculty Shine at Regional Theatre Festival
Faculty, staff and students of the Sinclair’s Theatre & Dance Department attended the 2018 Kennedy Center American College Regional Theatre Festival (KCACTF) in Indianapolis January 9-14, and came home with an impressive list of awards and honors.
Student Jacob Rodgers (pictured) competed with 96 entries for Regional Design Projects and was the single winner for his lighting design of Eurydice. He was also the single winner of the Stagecraft Institute of Las Vegas Award which includes a one week master class. Other design and technology honors went to Sarah Parrott for sound design of last fall’s production of Radio Plays. Of 244 performance entries, two Sinclair students advanced to the semi-finals and Bryana Bentley was one of 16 finalists. Faculty member Kimberly Borst received a Certificate of Merit as director of the recent production of Blues for an Alabama Sky.
Colleges and universities from a six-state region participated in the festival, and Sinclair was the only2-year college to have students advance. Bravo!