The Associate of Science in Biology is designed for students who are planning to transfer to a four-year college or university and pursue a baccalaureate degree program in Biology. The curriculum fulfills the freshman and sophomore general education requirements of most four-year colleges and universities. As part of this degree program, students must complete the requirements of the Ohio Transfer Module in order to graduate. Most Bachelor's degrees will require both Statistics AND Calculus (either traditional or applied), but only one math course is required to complete the BIOE.S.AS degree. There is a current articulation with Wright State University. Many students pursuing a pre-med program at WSU may pursue a BIO transfer option.
This Sample Program Pathway is designed to provide an example of course selections in a term by term sequence. Please see an Academic Advisor for a plan specific to your academic needs.
Description: The first course of a two-semester university-parallel sequence for biology and science majors. Topics include scientific method; chemical and biochemical foundations; cell structure, function and reproduction; cellular respiration, photosynthesis, Mendelian genetics, chromosomal genetics, molecular genetics, protein synthesis, gene regulation, genomes, viruses and biotechnology. Three classroom, six lab hours per week.
Prerequisites: MAT 0100 or MAT 0600
Description: The first course of a three-semester sequence of courses. Topics include limits and continuity, the derivative and its applications including related rates and optimization, L'Hopital's rule, antiderivatives, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, integration by substitution. Traditional testing (proctored or in Testing Center) is used in all online sections.
Notes: Or MAT 1580 per the UD Sinclair Academy transfer
Prerequisites: MAT 1570 or MAT 1580 and Other (with a grade of C or better or satisfactory score on math placement test)
Description: In English Composition I students learn reflective, analytical and argumentative writing strategies, incorporating sources and personal experience. Students will negotiate between public and private rhetorical situations and purposes to achieve academic literacy. They will write multiple drafts using a recursive writing process as they work toward fluency in style and mechanics. Note: Students who have not successfully completed the pre-requisites listed can register for ENG 1101 together with the co-requisite course ENG 0101 - English Composition I Booster.
Prerequisites: DEV 0035 or Other (Placement Test Score)
Description: Applied computer tools to solve engineering technology problems, emphasizing the integration of word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software and engineering research skills using the Internet. Applications of an integrated approach to research papers, engineering technology analysis, technical laboratory reports and technical presentations. One-half classroom, one and one-half lab hours per week.
Prerequisites: MAT 0100 or MAT 0600 or MAT 1110
Term hours subtotal:
Description: The second course of a two-semester university-parallel sequence for biology and science majors. Topics include Darwinian evolution, evolution of populations, origin of species, history of life on Earth, phylogeny and systematics, prokaryotes, protists, plants, fungi, animals and ecology. Three classroom, six lab hours per week.
Prerequisites: BIO 1171 or Approval of Department
Description: A university-parallel course in chemistry for the science major. The first half of a comprehensive first-year survey of chemistry. Topics include the basics of matter, atoms and molecules, chemical reactions, bonding, molecular geometry and gases. Students registering for this course should have previously taken high school chemistry or equivalent. Four classroom hours, three lab hours per week.
Prerequisites: MAT 0300 or MAT 1450 or MAT 1470 or MAT 1570 or MAT 1580 or MAT 2270 or MAT 2280 or MAT 2290
Corequisites: CHE 1251
Corequisites: CHE 1211
Description: This course is designed to help new students make a successful transition to Sinclair Community College. Topics include college resources; academic, career and personal services available through Sinclair; learning styles; the learning process; financial responsibility; stress and wellness; and computer literacy through eLearn and library resources.
Notes: Discuss with advisor
Description: University-parallel course covering topics such as history and systems of psychology, behavioral research methods, physiology of behavior, sensation, perception, learning, memory, consciousness, cognition, personality, lifespan development, gender, social psychology, motivation, emotion, stress, mental disorders and therapies.
Notes: or PLS 1120 - as per the UD Sinclair Academy transfer
Term hours subtotal:
Description: The second half of a university-parallel course in chemistry for the science or engineering major. Topics include liquids and solids, solutions, chemical reaction kinetics, chemical equilibrium, acid/base chemistry, electrochemistry, representative metals, metalloids and non-metals and organic chemistry. Four classroom hours, three lab hours per week.
Prerequisites: CHE 1211
Corequisites: CHE 1261
Corequisites: CHE 1221
Description: English Composition II, building on the skills in English Composition I, develops rhetorical literacy through research, critical reading and multigenre writing tasks. Through major and minor, cumulative and stand-alone assignments, students construct arguments and analyses, ethically incorporating academic sources while developing their own voices as writers and citizens.
Prerequisites: ENG 1101
Term hours subtotal:
Description: Emphasis on Charles Darwin, speciation, fossils, radiometric dating, natural selection, mutations, macroevolution, mass extinctions, coevolution, sexual reproduction, human evolution and religious issues.
Notes: MUST be taken AFTER BIO 1171 and BIO 1272
Description: General concepts in ecology and application to current environmental issues. Focus on evolutionary ecology, populations, communities, ecosystems and global ecology. Field experiences and lab techniques emphasizing data collection, analysis and interpretation. Three classroom, three lab hours per week.
Notes: Fall Only MUST be taken AFTER BIO 1171 and BIO 1272
Prerequisites: BIO 1111 or GEO 1102 or BIO 1171
Description: The study of alkanes, stereochemistry, alkyl halides, organometallic compounds, alkenes, alkynes, aromatic hydrocarbons and spectroscopic methods of organic analysis. Four classroom, three lab hours per week.
Notes: Required for the UD Sinclair Academy transfer to Biology or Environmental Biology Is not part of the BIOE degree at Sinclair and will not be covered by financial Aid
Prerequisites: CHE 1221
Corequisites: CHE 2151
Description: Lab for CHE 2111.
Corequisites: CHE 2111
Description: An examination of what is meant by culture and a review of the various theories and methods in Cultural Anthropology. Includes a comparison of the similarities and differences among world cultures as well as comparative analysis of family organization, religious beliefs, educational systems, economics and governmental systems.
Notes: Required A & H OT 36 course for the UD Sinclair Academy transfer
Term hours subtotal:
Description: Fundamental principles, concepts and techniques of genetics. Lab work includes basic methods of genetic research and analysis. Three classroom, two lab hours per week.
Notes: MUST be taken AFTER BIO 1171 and BIO 1272
Prerequisites: BIO 1111 or BIO 1171
Corequisites: BIO 2236
Corequisites: BIO 2235
Description: Historical inquiry into the major concepts and attitudes of moral and ethical theory in Western society, emphasizing the role of human responsibility and the conditions for making ethical judgments.
Notes: Or PHI 2205 as per the UD Sinclair Academy transfer
Description: Major trends in the development of Western culture, emphasizing political, economic, social and cultural achievements from the seventeenth century to the present.
Notes: Required for the UD Sinclair Academy transfer
Description: Designed to improve speaking and listening skills through the study and application of public speaking structure, content and style. This course requires 5 speeches in front of a live audience. The online course sections require the recordings to be created by the student with at least 8 adults present for each speech. Any questions, please contact the Communication Department at
Notes: or COM 2206 or COM 2225
Description: Introduction to Far Eastern religions and cultural traditions, including beliefs, practices, stories and rituals, and historical context.
Notes: or REL 1111 as per the UD Sinclair Academy transfer Completes the Multicultural Element requirement
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Description: Surface processes of wind, water and ice in changing Earth's surface, plate tectonics; interior forces that cause earthquakes, volcanoes, mountain building. Introduction to natural resources; impact of natural hazards on human populations; and impact of human activities in the natural world. Laboratory component stresses introduction to and use of basic scientific method and problem solving. Three classroom, two lab hours per week.
Notes: Required for the UD Sinclair Academy transfer to Environmental Biology Is not part of the BIOE degree at Sinclair and will not be covered by financial Aid
Corequisites: GLG 1111
Description: Identification of minerals, sediments and rocks; interpretation of topographic maps and geologic maps. This is a face-to-face laboratory and must be taken concurrently with Physical Geology.
Corequisites: GLG 1101
Term hours subtotal: