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2024 - 2025 Catalog Year
Medical Laboratory Technology (Full-time)

Degree: Associate of Applied Science
Division: Health Sciences

Health Sciences degree programs consist of open enrollment courses (general education and division specific) and program specific courses with limited enrollment. The open enrollment courses may be taken prior to entry into the limited enrollment courses. The limited enrollment courses are offered during the technical portion of the program that includes clinical, practicum, or professional practice experience. The technical section of a program has restrictions on the number of students that may start the limited enrollment courses each term (or year), based on space availability and accreditor guidelines, for example, objective quantitative factors. As a result of this limited class size, there may be a waiting period between completion of the prerequisites and other program requirements for entry into the limited enrollment courses, and the start of those courses. Some programs have instituted a competitive selection process for entry to the limited enrollment/restricted courses. To qualify for entry to limited enrollment courses, please see the Applicant Information packet found on the Health Sciences webpage:

This Sample Program Pathway is designed to provide an example of course selections in a term by term sequence. Please see an Academic Advisor for a plan specific to your academic needs.

Program Prerequisites

Description: The first course in a two-semester sequence studying the structure and function of the human body. Topics include introductory terminology, biochemistry, cytology, the integumentary system, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the nervous system and the endocrine system. Two classroom, two lab hours per week.

Notes: Choose from BIO 1121 OR BIO 1141/1147

Prerequisites: MAT 0050 or MAT 1120 or MAT 1130

Description: Orientation to the health care delivery system, including history, economics, medical/legal issues, professionalism, ethics, sociological aspects and wellness concepts. Orientation to the use of technology in the health care system will also be provided, including user interfaces, telecommunications and networks. The development of health care team skills, including critical thinking and problem-solving strategies and multicultural health care perspectives, will be presented. One classroom, three lab hours per week.


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Fall Semester (First Year)

Description: The course will introduce students to the terms, concepts, procedures, and equipment used in a professional medical laboratory. One classroom, three lab hours per week.

Notes: Fall and Spring Only

Prerequisites: ALH 1101 and BIO 1121 or BIO 1107 or BIO 1141 and Other (Prerequisities may be taken concurrently)

Corequisites: CLT 1203

Description: Lab portion of CLT 1200 - Introduction to Clinical Laboratory.

Notes: Fall and Spring Only

Corequisites: CLT 1200

Description: An introductory survey course for students pursuing health science degrees or who have not previously taken high school chemistry. Topics include matter and measurement, atoms and molecules, chemical reactions, energy changes, atomic structure and bonding, acid/base chemistry, chemical kinetics, and organic chemistry. Three classroom hours, two lab hours per week.

Notes: Choose from CHE 1111/1151 OR CHE 1211/1251 OR CHE 1311/1351

Prerequisites: MAT 0100 or MAT 0600 or MAT 1110 or MAT 1130 or MAT 1445

Corequisites: CHE 1151

Notes: Choose from CHE 1111/1151 OR CHE 1211/1251 OR CHE 1311/1351

Corequisites: CHE 1111

Description: The second course in a two-semester sequence studying the structure and function of the human body. Topics include the cardiovascular system, the lymphoid system, immunity, the digestive system, the urinary system and the reproductive system. Two classroom, two lab hours per week.

Notes: Choose from BIO 1121 OR BIO 1242/1248

Prerequisites: BIO 1121

Description: In English Composition I students learn reflective, analytical and argumentative writing strategies, incorporating sources and personal experience. Students will negotiate between public and private rhetorical situations and purposes to achieve academic literacy. They will write multiple drafts using a recursive writing process as they work toward fluency in style and mechanics. Note: Students who have not successfully completed the pre-requisites listed can register for ENG 1101 together with the co-requisite course ENG 0101 - English Composition I Booster.

Prerequisites: DEV 0035 or Other (Placement Test Score)


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Spring Semester (First Year)
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Description: The course will provide instruction on the structure and function of the kidney, renal pathology and the principles, sources of error and interpretation of test results in urinalysis. Principles of CSF and serous fluid analysis are covered. This course is also an introduction to the principles of immunology, covering the broad areas of the body's defense mechanisms, the nature of the mammalian immune system and the immune response, and discusses immunological disease states of auto-immunity, tumor immunology, transplant immunology, immunodeficiency, and the theory behind immunoassays used in the laboratory environment. One classroom, two lab hours per week.

Notes: Program limited enrollment course. Spring Only

Prerequisites: CLT 1200 and BIO 1222 or BIO 1242 and Restricted to Majors

Corequisites: CLT 2113

Description: Lab portion of CLT 2110 - Urine & Body Fluid Analysis/Immunology/Serology

Notes: Program limited enrollment course. Spring Only

Corequisites: CLT 2110

Description: Basic concepts of microbiology with emphasis on microbial pathogenesis and immunity. Medically important microorganisms including bacteria, fungi, viruses, rickettsia, protozoa, and the diseases which they produce. This course will also introduce students to the basic knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of clinically significant micro-organisms, the emphasis will be on describing phenotypic characteristics of clinically relevant organisms and the principles of antimicrobial action. Three classroom, three lab hours per week.

Notes: Program limited enrollment course. Spring Only

Prerequisites: BIO 1222 or BIO 1242 and CLT 1200 and Restricted to Majors

Corequisites: CLT 2413

Description: Lab portion of CLT 2413 - Clinical Microbiology/Parasitology

Notes: Program limited enrollment course. Spring Only

Corequisites: CLT 2410

Description: The second half of an introductory survey course for students pursuing health science degrees or biotechnology. Topics include organic functional groups, biomolecules, enzymes, body fluids and the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Three classroom, three lab hours per week.

Notes: Choose from CHE 1121/1161 OR CHE 1221/1261 OR CHE 1321/1361

Prerequisites: CHE 1111

Corequisites: CHE 1161

Notes: Choose from CHE 1121/1161 OR CHE 1221/1261 OR CHE 1321/1361

Corequisites: CHE 1121

Description: Study of human disease using a system approach emphasizing abnormal physiological processes that result in the signs and symptoms of each disorder.

Prerequisites: BIO 1107 or BIO 1121 or BIO 1141 or BIO 2211


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Summer Semester (First Year)

Description: The first course of a two-semester university-parallel sequence for biology and science majors. Topics include scientific method; chemical and biochemical foundations; cell structure, function and reproduction; cellular respiration, photosynthesis, Mendelian genetics, chromosomal genetics, molecular genetics, protein synthesis, gene regulation, genomes, viruses and biotechnology. Three classroom, six lab hours per week.

Prerequisites: MAT 0100 or MAT 0600


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Fall Semester (Second Year)
Important message signified by

Description: The course will introduce the students to the theory and practical application of routine and special hematology procedures, both manual and automated; red blood cells and white blood cells maturation sequences, and normal and abnormal morphology and associated diseases. Three classroom, three lab hours per week.

Notes: Program limited enrollment course. Fall Only

Prerequisites: ALH 2220 and BIO 1171 and Restricted to Majors

Corequisites: CLT 2213

Description: Lab portion of CLT 2210 - Hematology

Notes: Program limited enrollment course. Fall Only

Corequisites: CLT 2210

Description: The course will introduce the students to the theory and application of human biochemistry and principles of chemistry techniques used in the analysis of blood and other body fluids. Two classroom, four lab hours per week.

Notes: Program limited enrollment course. Fall Only

Prerequisites: ALH 2220 and CHE 1121 or CHE 1221 or CHE 1321 and Restricted to Majors

Corequisites: CLT 2313

Description: Lab portion of CLT 2310 - Clinical Chemistry.

Notes: Program limited enrollment course. Fall Only

Corequisites: CLT 2310


An introduction to theory and practice of blood banking and transfusion medicine. Various Blood typing and Antibody identification tests will be performed in the Clinical blood banking simulated lab. This course presents the physiological basis for the test, the principle and procedure for the test, and the clinical significance of the test results, including quality control. One classroom, three lab hours per week.

Notes: Program limited enrollment course. Fall Only

Prerequisites: CLT 2410 and Restricted to Majors

Description: Lab portion of CLT 2510 - Immunohematology

Notes: Program limited enrollment course. Fall Only

Corequisites: CLT 2510

Description: Exploration of the development, maintenance and termination of interpersonal relationships. The focus is on effective verbal and nonverbal interactions between two people, highlighting methods of initiating and maintaining effective communication with, and understanding of, others through learning and applying interpersonal communication theory.

Description: University-parallel course covering topics such as history and systems of psychology, behavioral research methods, physiology of behavior, sensation, perception, learning, memory, consciousness, cognition, personality, lifespan development, gender, social psychology, motivation, emotion, stress, mental disorders and therapies.


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Spring Semester (Second Year)
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Practical training in clinical chemistry, microbiology, hematology and serology under the direction of a National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS) approved/accredited hospital educational program personnel.

Notes: Program limited enrollment course. Spring Only

Prerequisites: CLT 2110 and CLT 2210 and CLT 2310 and CLT 2410 and Restricted to Majors and Approval of Department

Description: An introduction to the fundamental ideas of statistics, including statistical methods to gather, analyze and present data; fundamentals of probability; statistical distributions, sampling distributions, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, Chi-square tests, regression and correlation. Three classroom, two lab hours per week. Note: Students who have not completed the required pre-requisite courses listed, but have successfully completed MAT 0100 or MAT 1130 with a grade of "C" or better, or MAT 0600 with a grade of "P", can register for MAT 1450 together with the co-requisite course MAT 0450, Introductory Statistics Booster. Traditional testing (proctored or in Testing Center) is used in all online sections.

Prerequisites: MAT 0200 and Other (with a grade of C or better or satisfactory score on math placement test)


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This information is for planning purposes only. Sinclair College will make every effort to offer curriculum listed above but reserves the right to change, add and cancel curriculum offerings for unforeseen circumstances. View current catalog.