This Sample Program Pathway is designed to provide an example of course selections in a term by term sequence. Please see an Academic Advisor for a plan specific to your academic needs.
Description: Introduction to problem-solving techniques used in programming. Students learn to use tools such as flowcharts and pseudocode to plan solutions. Using the C++ programming language, students will design, code, and test programs using sequence, selection, iteration, functions, and arrays.
Prerequisites: MAT 0200 or MAT 1120
Description: In English Composition I students learn reflective, analytical and argumentative writing strategies, incorporating sources and personal experience. Students will negotiate between public and private rhetorical situations and purposes to achieve academic literacy. They will write multiple drafts using a recursive writing process as they work toward fluency in style and mechanics. Note: Students who have not successfully completed the pre-requisites listed can register for ENG 1101 together with the co-requisite course ENG 0101 - English Composition I Booster.
Prerequisites: DEV 0035 or Other (Placement Test Score)
Description: The first course of a three-semester sequence of courses. Topics include limits and continuity, the derivative and its applications including related rates and optimization, L'Hopital's rule, antiderivatives, the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, integration by substitution. Traditional testing (proctored or in Testing Center) is used in all online sections.
Notes: Math elective. (18 hours required) Choose from: MAT 1445, MAT 1450, MAT 1460, MAT 1470, MAT 1510, MAT 1520, MAT 1570 MAT 1580, MAT 2160, MAT 2170, MAT 2180, MAT 2240, MAT 2270, MAT 2280 MAT 2310, MAT 2320, MAT 2330, MAT 2570
Prerequisites: MAT 1570 or MAT 1580 and Other (with a grade of C or better or satisfactory score on math placement test)
Notes: Any Arts and Humanities elective from the approved Ohio Transfer 36 List (2 disciplines required). View electives at:
Description: University-parallel course covering topics such as history and systems of psychology, behavioral research methods, physiology of behavior, sensation, perception, learning, memory, consciousness, cognition, personality, lifespan development, gender, social psychology, motivation, emotion, stress, mental disorders and therapies.
Notes: Any Social & Behavioral Science elective from the approved Ohio Transfer 36 List (2 disciplines required). View electives at:
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Description: Introduction to Java software development. Topics include object orientation, Java syntax, data types, logic structures of sequence, selection and iteration, processing calculations, files, methods, classes and objects, graphical user interface (GUI) applications, arrays and the ArrayList class, problem analysis and Java software solution design, coding and testing.
Prerequisites: CIS 1111
Description: The second course of a three-semester sequence of courses. Techniques of integration, applications of integration, numerical integration, improper integrals, infinite sequences and series, power series, parametric equations, polar coordinates, conic sections.
Notes: Math elective. (18 hours required) Choose from: MAT 1445, MAT 1450, MAT 1460, MAT 1470, MAT 1510, MAT 1520, MAT 1570 MAT 1580, MAT 2160, MAT 2170, MAT 2180, MAT 2240, MAT 2270, MAT 2280 MAT 2310, MAT 2320, MAT 2330, MAT 2570
Prerequisites: MAT 2270 and Other (with a grade of C or better or satisfactory score on math placement test)
Description: Fundamentals of mechanics including kinematics, dynamics, work and energy, momentum, oscillations, gravity, fluids, waves and sound, thermodynamics and kinetic theory, using calculus as appropriate. Four classroom, three lab hours per week.
Notes: Any Natural & Physical Science elective from the approved Ohio Transfer 36 List. View electives at:
Prerequisites: MAT 2270
Corequisites: PHY 2207
Notes: Lab for Science elective
Corequisites: PHY 2201
Description: Designed to improve speaking and listening skills through the study and application of public speaking structure, content and style. This course requires 5 speeches in front of a live audience. The online course sections require the recordings to be created by the student with at least 8 adults present for each speech. Any questions, please contact the Communication Department at
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Description: This course builds on prior Java studies and includes abstract classes and interfaces, binary input/output, recursion, generics, use of collection framework lists, stacks, queues, and priority queues, use of sets and maps, developing efficient algorithms and computational complexity, sorting algorithms, implementing lists, stacks, queues and priority queues, software development ethics, binary search trees, problem analysis and Java software solution design, coding and testing.
Prerequisites: CIS 2212
Description: Ordinary differential equations of first and second order including, the Laplace transform, numerical approximation methods and applications. Vectors in Rn, systems of linear equations, systems of differential equations, matrices, linear transformations, subspaces, dimension and rank, coordinate vectors, determinants, eigenvalues, eigenvectors and abstract vector spaces.
Notes: Math elective. (18 hours required) Choose from: MAT 1445, MAT 1450, MAT 1460, MAT 1470, MAT 1510, MAT 1520, MAT 1570 MAT 1580, MAT 2160, MAT 2170, MAT 2180, MAT 2240, MAT 2270, MAT 2280 MAT 2310, MAT 2320, MAT 2330, MAT 2570
Prerequisites: MAT 2280 and Other (with a grade of C or better or satisfactory score on math placement test)
Description: Electrostatics, DC conduction and circuits, magnetism, electromagnetic induction, quantum mechanics, optics and special relativity. Calculus used extensively. Four classroom, three lab hours per week.
Notes: Any Natural & Physical Science elective from the approved Ohio Transfer 36 List. View electives at:
Prerequisites: PHY 2201 and MAT 2280
Corequisites: PHY 2208
Notes: Lab for Science elective
Corequisites: PHY 2202
Term hours subtotal:
Description: This course covers data structures using the C++ Programming Language. Topics include data abstraction, encapsulation, information hiding, the use of recursion, searching and sorting algorithms, and the creation and manipulation of various data structures: lists, queues, tables, trees, heaps, and graphs.
Prerequisites: CIS 1202 or CIS 2217
Description: A course in Discrete Mathematics for students interested in information technology, computer science, and related fields. Topics include logic, proof techniques, set theory, functions and relations, counting, elementary number theory, graphs and tree theory, base-n arithmetic, and Boolean Algebra.
Notes: Math elective. (18 hours required) Choose from: MAT 1445, MAT 1450, MAT 1460, MAT 1470, MAT 1510, MAT 1520, MAT 1570 MAT 1580, MAT 2160, MAT 2170, MAT 2180, MAT 2240, MAT 2270, MAT 2280 MAT 2310, MAT 2320, MAT 2330, MAT 2570
Prerequisites: MAT 1460 or MAT 1470 or MAT 1580 and Other (With a "C" grade or better) or Other (satisfactory score on math placement test)
Description: Introduction to Far Eastern religions and cultural traditions, including beliefs, practices, stories and rituals, and historical context.
Notes: Multicultural elective. Choose from one of the following courses: AFR1100, ART2236, GEO1101, GEO1201, HUM1130, LIT2217, LIT2234, PLS2200, PLS2220, PSY1160, PSY2225, REL1111, REL1112, SOC1145, SOC1219, SOC2215
Description: Major trends in the development of Western culture, emphasizing political, economic, social and cultural achievements, from prehistory to the seventeenth century.
Notes: Any Arts and Humanities elective from the approved Ohio Transfer 36 List (2 disciplines required). View electives at:
Description: A critical analysis of contemporary American society with review of major sociological theories, research methods, culture, socialization, groups, social structure, social institutions, deviance, social inequalities, social processes and social change.
Notes: Any Social & Behavioral Science elective from the approved Ohio Transfer 36 List (2 disciplines required). View electives at:
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