This Sample Program Pathway is designed to provide an example of course selections in a term by term sequence. Please see an Academic Advisor for a plan specific to your academic needs.
Description: Design foundations exploring standards for industry professionals specializing in residential kitchen and bath planning, basic fundamentals with emphasis on design layouts, design concept drawings and professional presentation formats.
Notes: Fall only
Prerequisites: CAT 1101 and IND 1230
Description: Learn Building Information Modeling (BIM) techniques and methodology. Develop proficiency with Revit Architecture modeling software including: user interface, modeling techniques, proper modeling workflow and document generation. Learn rendering and animation communication techniques. Two classroom, two lab hours per week.
Prerequisites: CAT 1101
Term hours subtotal:
Description: Explore recent developments in the architectural profession, especially as related to the architectural technology curriculum. Topics to include environment, green building, energy conservation, building technology, etc. One classroom, two lab hours per week.
Notes: See advisor
Prerequisites: CAT 1101 and CAT 1201
Description: The course will teach students how to draw three dimensional models of building interiors, and how to create presentation renderings of those designs. Students will also learn how to use layout to create construction drawings and documents that communicate their designs graphically in a standardized, professional manner.
Prerequisites: CAT 1101
Term hours subtotal: