This Sample Program Pathway is designed to provide an example of course selections in a term by term sequence. Please see an Academic Advisor for a plan specific to your academic needs.
Description: Basic and intermediate instruction in fire suppression, fire chemistry and behavior, rescue, firefighting tools, appliances, equipment, built-in fire suppression systems and firefighting safety and survival. Three classroom, eight lab hours per week.
Prerequisites: Other (Approval of Fire Coordinator)
Description: Advanced instruction in fire-suppression operations, fire chemistry and behavior, rescue, firefighting tools, appliances, equipment, built-in fire suppression systems and firefighting safety and survival. Two classroom, four lab hours per week.
Prerequisites: FST 1101 or FST 1102 and Approval of Department
Description: Sixteen hour course meeting the requirements of the State of Ohio, Division of Emergency Medical Services for emergency vehicle drivers education.
Prerequisites: Other (Must have a valid motor vehicle operators license)
Term hours subtotal: