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Advanced Precision Machining CAMAPM.S.CRT

One-year Technical Certificate - 30 Credit Hours

Division: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Department: Computer Aided Manufacturing
Effective as of Fall 2023

Manufacuring Bootcamp Learn More

What is the program about?

This program provides any student whether working full time, raising a family, or going to college, the ability to pursue the exciting and in-demand career of precision machining. Recent events have shown that these careers are essential in nature and can offer employment when others do not. Starting from basic machining through advanced machining, close tolerance grinding, introduction into the world of CNC and Conversational programming, the production of detail parts ,and then their fit and assembly into a working product. This program will ready the student for a wide variety of manufacturing careers through the development of the skills and traits that manufacturers are looking for. This program can be started in any semester.

Program Outcomes

  • Demonstrate technical manufacturing skills appropriate to program requirements.
  • Analyze manufacturing problems (general and technical) and apply technical skills to make appropriate decisions.
  • Demonstrate applied competencies in the areas of machining applications, drafting techniques and blueprint interpretation.
  • Demonstrate mathematical skills required for occupation.

Career Opportunities

Careers are available for entry-level in a wide variety of manufacturing careers which include, but are not limited to, the precision machining and tool-and-die industries. The Work-Based Learning Internship opportunity gives students a host of opportunities beyond the classroom.

Additional Information

This program is available in the following format:

SINCLAIR FLEXPACE: The speed of learning is up to you! Fast track to a degree or take a break when life gets busy. CHECK OUT Sinclair FlexPace


Course Title Credits
CAM 1107 Introduction to Mechanical Drafting with CAD 3
CAM 1109 Fundamentals of Tooling & Machining 3
CAM 1110 Advanced Machine Operations 3
CAM 1111 Advanced Machine Operations II 3
CAM 1116 Fundamentals of Computer Numerical Control Operations 3
CAM 1142 Advanced Shop Floor Math 3
CAM 2145 Shop Floor Programming 3
CAM 2700 Computer Aided Manufacturing Internship 3
ISE 1300 Fundamentals of Dimensional Metrology 3
MAT 1110 Math for Technologists 3
- View the Master Syllabus - View the Course Schedule
This information is for planning purposes only. Sinclair College will make every effort to offer curriculum listed above but reserves the right to change, add and cancel curriculum offerings for unforeseen circumstances.