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Short-term Technical Certificate - 17 Credit Hours

Division: Liberal Arts, Communication and Social Sciences
Department: Communication
Effective as of Fall 2020

What is the program about?

The New Media Short-Term Certificate is designed to cultivate skills in mass communication and message design, visual communication, journalism and marketing within the realm of new technologies including blogs, podcasts, video games, video production, websites, and social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. Students will learn valuable marketing skills, hands on visual communication design, and effective message design in mass communication channels through interdisciplinary theory and methodology. Graduates of the certificate will be able to analyze and assess the needs of a client in order to most effectively communicate and engage with their respective publics.

Program Outcomes

  • Analyze mediated messages and their effects on individuals and society as part of the communication process.
  • Demonstrate the ability to comprehend, evaluate and apply marketing strategies.
  • Apply theories and principles to real world situations in new media.
  • Design visual images appropriate for new media channels and target audiences.
  • Communicate messages to a target audience in a new media channel.

Career Opportunities

The New Media Certificate is built to add to the experience of students new to fields of marketing, communication, visual communication and journalism but is also beneficial to those that are currently working in the field and want to update their skill set to include new media techniques.


Course Title Credits
COM 2201 Introduction to Mass Communication 3
COM 2270 Communication Internship 1
ENG 1101 English Composition I 3
JOU 2101 Introduction to Journalism 3
MRK 2135 Digital Marketing 3
VIS 1140 Design Processes 4
- View the Master Syllabus - View the Course Schedule
This information is for planning purposes only. Sinclair College will make every effort to offer curriculum listed above but reserves the right to change, add and cancel curriculum offerings for unforeseen circumstances.