This Sample Program Pathway is designed to provide an example of course selections in a term by term sequence. Please see an Academic Advisor for a plan specific to your academic needs.
Description: This class is an overview of the Agriculture Industry. Guest lecture presentations, field trips, career research, and industry personnel interviews provide students with real-world examples of the skills and abilities necessary to compete in the world of Agriculture Science.
Description: In English Composition I students learn reflective, analytical and argumentative writing strategies, incorporating sources and personal experience. Students will negotiate between public and private rhetorical situations and purposes to achieve academic literacy. They will write multiple drafts using a recursive writing process as they work toward fluency in style and mechanics. Note: Students who have not successfully completed the pre-requisites listed can register for ENG 1101 together with the co-requisite course ENG 0101 - English Composition I Booster.
Prerequisites: DEV 0035 or Other (Placement Test Score)
Description: Mathematics of finance, mathematics of trade, payroll, taxes, insurance, elementary statistics. Traditional testing (proctored or in Testing Center) is used in all online sections.
Notes: Program elective: Choose MAT 1120 or Any Mathematics, Statistics & Logic elective from the approved Ohio Transfer 36 List. View electives at www.
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Description: Introductory course on the basic principles of agricultural economics. Principles of supply and demand, resource economics, production optimization, price elasticity, market price determination, competitive versus noncompetitive market models, and agricultural public policy. These principles are applied to agriculture and the role of agriculture in the United States and world economies.
Notes: Program elective. Agribusiness track - if you are interested in the Large Animal Care and Handling track speak with your advisor.
This course describes the current state of Unmanned Aerial Systems and related technologies as they may be applied to precision agriculture. Students will determine the commercial viability of Unmanned Aerial System applications in precision agriculture and will review current regulatory and operational considerations for their use. One classroom, two lab hours per week.
Description: Use word processing, spreadsheet, database and presentation software applications to create reports, spreadsheets, databases and presentations for business and other applications.
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Description: Exploration of the development, maintenance and termination of interpersonal relationships. The focus is on effective verbal and nonverbal interactions between two people, highlighting methods of initiating and maintaining effective communication with, and understanding of, others through learning and applying interpersonal communication theory.
Notes: Program elective. Choose from one of the following courses: COM 2206, COM 2211, or COM 2225
Description: The American business system and basic principles of the free market system. Includes introduction of business concepts, entrepreneurship, management, marketing, economics, accounting and other important business principles.
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Description: Foundations of unmanned aerial systems (UAS), including history, elemental systems including payloads, data links, ground support equipment, classes of UAS, categories, applications, mission planning and control, and launch/recovery systems.
Description: This course reviews the current legal considerations of unmanned aerial system (UAS) operations, provides an outlook on future considerations, and informs students on existing and trending UAS related standards and regulations.
Description: Introduction to concepts of customer service. Topics to include: face-to-face and phone-based communication with customers, professionalism and workplace behavior, decision making, problem solving, conflict resolution and negotiation skills, use of emerging technologies, role-play scenarios, case studies and preparation for career advancement.
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Description: Foundations of Marketing is designed to provide a broad introduction to the field of marketing. Marketing is far more than just selling or advertising within a business setting; it is a major part of our everyday lives. This course will illustrate the importance of marketing and skills that are applicable to all specializations within business.
Crop growth and development, pesticide safety and application, properties of the soil, and conservation practices of Ohio’s row crops are all covered in detail in this engaging curriculum dealing with the form and function of the crops that shape agriculture in Ohio, and the practices that we as agriculturalists take daily to keep them healthy and pertinent in society.
Notes: Program elective. Agribusiness track - if you are interested in the Large Animal Care and Handling track speak with your advisor.
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Description: Introduction to fundamental concepts necessary for understanding management, motivation and behavior in organizational settings. Emphasis on planning, organizing, influencing and controlling to continually improve effective management skills.
Description: The American legal system as it relates to business transactions, including the judicial system and sources of law, legal procedures, torts, business ethics and social responsibility, contracts, property, employment law, agency, partnerships and corporations.
Notes: Program elective. Agribusiness track - if you are interested in the Large Animal Care and Handling track speak with your advisor.
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Description: Overview of past, recent and current research to find viable alternative sources of energy. Examples include water, wind, solar, bio-mass, alternative liquid fuels and introduction to fuel cell technology. Study of applied technologies in the context of how to relieve complete dependence on petrochemical-based products. A case study approach to learning is used. Two classroom, two lab hours per week.
Notes: Fall Only
Description: Introduction to the major fields in biotechnology and the basic science involved in understanding those fields.
Notes: Fall Only
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Description: Agricultural Internship provides an opportunity for students to apply concepts learned in the Agriculture AAS degree to learning in a professional setting. Fourteen practicum hours per week.
Prerequisites: Approval of Department
Description: Training required to enter or work on a hazardous waste site with emphasis on personnel safety, site hazards, toxicology, personal protective equipment, decontamination, site characterization and site control. Two classroom, two lab hours per week.
Notes: Spring Only
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Description: Major trends in the development of Western culture, emphasizing political, economic, social and cultural achievements, from prehistory to the seventeenth century.
Notes: Any Arts and Humanities or Natural & Physical Science elective from the approved Ohio Transfer 36 List. View electives at: www.
Description: Survey of financial accounting for non-accounting majors. Accounting concepts, financial statements, internal control, cash, and payroll.
Notes: Program elective. Choose from one of the following courses: ACC 1100 or ACC 1210
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Description: Digital marketing is a broad and growing field encompassing any form of marketing that utilizes technology to deliver a message. Students in this course study some of the most popular tactics used by successful businesses today to promote their brand and reach their customers. This information is applied in hands-on activities that expose students to real-world business situations, including developing a digital marketing campaign for a brand.
Description: A critical analysis of contemporary American society with review of major sociological theories, research methods, culture, socialization, groups, social structure, social institutions, deviance, social inequalities, social processes and social change.
Notes: Any Social & Behavioral Science elective from the approved Ohio Transfer 36 List. View electives at:
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