Agribusiness AGR.S.STC
Short-term Technical Certificate - 16 Credit Hours
Division: Business and Public Services
Department: Agriculture
Effective as of Fall 2019
Different agricultural business opportunities like single farmers market, and the other types of partnerships and corporations.
Crop science involving farming with different types of seeds like non-GMO, GMO, and selective bred crops.
Pasture-raised brown egg stock ready to ship to markets.
What is the program about?
The agribusiness short-term certificate will introduce students to the agriculture industry and prepare them for entry into the agriculture workforce. Graduates of this certificate will be skilled in the foundations of business, agriculture, agricultural economics and agronomy.
Program Outcomes
- Identify and describe key concepts in agriculture such as crop science, agricultural economics, and agricultural finance and accounting.
- Demonstrate the ability to use software applications as well as the ability to use various writing strategies.
- Identify and describe business concepts such as entrepreneurship, management, marketing, economics, accounting, and business principles.
Career Opportunities
Potential employment in agriculture includes entry-level positions in the following: agricultural technician, farm operations, agronomy, agricultural finance and accounting, retail sales and licensed pest control.
- View the Master Syllabus - View the Course Schedule
This information is for planning purposes only. Sinclair College will make every effort to offer curriculum listed above but reserves the right to change, add and cancel curriculum offerings for unforeseen circumstances.