COIL is a type of Virtual Exchange which uses the Internet to enable students located in different countries to get to know each other, and to learn, discuss and collaborate as part of their class
COIL instructors are based in different countries and create and co-develop the COIL exchange experience for their paired classrooms
COIL is embedded in accredited post-secondary level academic courses. It is not an optional component of the course, but is an integrated, graded element of the coursework
COIL is typically a part of the home instructor’s course, usually running 5 – 6 weeks, and is not the entire course
COIL can be designed in any discipline and often consists of interdisciplinary collaborations
COIL can use any technology tools that serve the learning goals
COIL is a cost-effective, accessible method for delivering global learning and intercultural experiences to U.S. students, particularly the 98 percent of U.S. community college students who do not participate in study abroad
COIL was developed disseminated by The State University of New York’s (SUNY) COIL Center
The COIL method has been recognized by the American Council on Education (ACE) for over a decade