Refund Information and Policy
Refund Policy
Student refunds, if applicable, will be processed for:
- Tuition and refundable fees for cancelled classes
- Tuition and refundable fees for dropped classes within the published refund period.
- Students are responsible for withdrawing from unwanted courses by the designated refund withdraw date to avoid the possibility of owing a balance. For more information regarding withdrawal dates, please visit the academic calendar
- Overpayments through a Tuition Payment Plan
- Unused guaranteed and approved Financial Aid for each term (Pell, loans, scholarships, etc.)
Important to Note:
- First time registration fees are non-refundable.
- Unused refundable financial aid will be disbursed within six weeks after the beginning of each term or within a few weeks after the Financial Aid Office receives all documentation and updates the student’s record. The date of a student's unused financial aid refund is dependent on the student’s course(s) start dates, attendance verification, and financial aid file completion.
If students withdraw by the eighth calendar day (last day to drop with a refund and without record stated date) from a full-term course (including Saturday and Sunday) of fall, spring, and summer terms, a 100 percent refund will be issued. After that date, students will not receive a refund for dropped courses that fall under that criteria. Different drop with a refund schedules apply for courses that have beginning and ending dates that do not correspond to the full-length term dates (non-standard length courses). It is the student's responsibility to be aware of their course information and other matters related to his or her registration. For more information, contact the Dayton Campus Welcome Center First Floor, Building 10, 937-512-3000, any of the regional centers, or visit the registration calendar at
- The first refund disbursement of each semester begins approximately six weeks after the start of the semester. Refunds are processed weekly after the first refund of each semester.
How to Check if I Get a Refund
Students can login to their student portal and view their term statement to determine if a refund will be processed.
How to Get Your Refund
Sinclair Community College delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Visit Bank Mobile Disbursements website for more information:
When it comes to deciding how to get your money, you deserve choices. Your choices include:
- Deposit to an existing account Money is transferred to an existing account the same business day BMTX, Inc. receives funds from our school. Typically, it takes 1 – 2 business days for the receiving bank to credit the money to your account.
- Deposit to a BankMobile Vibe checking account If you open a BankMobile Vibe checking account (upon identity verification), money is deposited the same business day BMTX, Inc. receives funds from our school.
- Paper check delivered by USPS – A check is mailed the same business day BMTX, Inc. receives funds from your school, provided receipt is within daily cutoff times. Typically, it takes 5 – 7 business days for the check to arrive, depending on USPS First-Class® delivery timeframes.
If a student has a refund due from any of the following payment methods
- Cash or check payment
- Tuition Payment Plan
- Unused guaranteed and approved Financial Aid for each semester
- Refundable scholarships
- Combination of payment methods (ex. financial aid and credit card) - refunds will be issued consistent with the last form of payment received, up to the amount of that payment, and any excess will be issued consistent with the earlier form(s) of payment.
- All other refundable payment methods not mentioned above.
Then they will be required to make a refund selection using the steps below.
- Login to your student portal
- Type in Student Refunds in the Search Field at the top of portal page:

- This will transition you to the below page:

- To place this in your Favorites Section, click on the

- Once in your Favorites Section:
- You will click on it which will transition you to the needed page; follow instructions to select your refund preference
- You can access it from there for future needs too.
*If a payment was made via a credit card then the refund will be issued back to the card used through Sinclair.
**To view our third-party servicer contract for refund management, BMTX Inc.
Tuition Refund Appeal
A student dropping a class after the published date to drop with a refund may complete a Tuition Refund Appeal Form. This form, along with any accompanying support documentation, will then go to the Tuition Refund Appeal Committee toward the end of the term. Guidelines for filing a Tuition Refund Appeal can be found on the Tuition Refund Appeal Information page. As a rule, refunds are generally granted only in such cases as withdrawals for medical emergencies involving the student or an immediate family member for whom the student is the primary care giver, death of an immediate family member, or instances where the school is at fault. Tuition Refund Appeal Forms are available at the Cashier's Office, Building 10, Room 016 or online by clicking on Tuition Refund Appeal.