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BIOSIS provides a location where students can self-study or review material covered in lectures and labs.  Students can work individually or in groups.

The following resources are available to students:

  • Anatomical models and charts
  • Molecule models
  • Microscopes and prepared slides
  • Biology posters and handouts
  • Desktop computers

No appointment is needed to use BIOSIS.  However, due to space limitations, there might be a wait.  Please check-in at the front desk upon arrival.

Please note: You are not guaranteed access to a tutor in BIOSIS. If you want access to a biology tutor, schedule an appointment with the Tutoring and Learning Center:


Contact Information

Tutoring & Learning Center
Lower level of Library, Building 7, Room L09
Hours of Operation:
Monday & Friday: 8:30 AM - 4:30PM
Tuesday - Thursday: 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Phone: 937-512-2792