After tuition and fees are paid, students may use remaining federal financial aid or scholarships to purchase books through the Sinclair College eCampus Bookstore.
Financial aid is available for bookstore purchases during the published Financial Aid Dates. After tuition and fees are paid, up to $1,500 of financial aid may be used to purchase books through the Sinclair College eCampus Bookstore or supplies at the Sinclair Campus Store.
Students must show their Tartan Card for identification and sign a bookstore authorization form each time supplies are purchased at the Sinclair Campus Store, which permits financial aid to pay for purchases. An online financial aid authorization is required for eCampus bookstore purchases.
To purchase textbooks using financial aid, please log in to your my.sinclair portal. Click the Bookstore link in the top right corner of the Booklist tile. Click Shop by Schedule, and then purchase books. When you are ready to checkout, select financial aid as your payment method.
Note: Federal or refundable scholarship aid used for bookstore purchases will reduce your refund check.
Required textbooks are located with each course listing on the Sinclair Registration Portal. Students are not required to login to search for courses on the portal, but must login to register for courses. Course booklists include required and optional costs for new and used books, author, ISBN, title, and edition of the books available at the Sinclair College eCampus Bookstore.