Request more information from Sinclair's Admissions Office by clicking the button below.
The CCP program is available to qualified students in grades 7-12 who are enrolled in any public, nonpublic, or homeschool in Ohio.
Students must prove that they are "college ready" before they are able to participate in College Credit Plus. There are a couple of methods used to determine eligibility. One is based on test scores, the other on the student's high school GPA.
Use the CCP Updated Eligibility Requirements Flow Chart to determine the method that applies to you.
For complete information on all of the State of Ohio College Credit Plus rule changes and general information, please visit the Ohio Higher Education website.
Visit Sinclair's CCP Course Eligibility page for a list of Level I Courses.
Testing is only available to CCP students who have a fully processed application; you must have a Sinclair email and Tartan ID number to take the placement tests.
See the Sinclair Testing Center website for more information on placement testing.
*Students who have Assessment scores below college-ready, but within a specific Standard Error of Measure (SEM), may qualify using high school GPA or a high school recommendation. Contact your CCP Coordinator for more information.
The CCP program is for Ohio residents. Ohio residents who intend to participate in CCP must file a Letter of Intent with their local school district/or the State of Ohio Higher Education each year.
Students who are not Ohio residents are not eligible for the CCP program. Though non-Ohio residents cannot participate or receive funding, they may be able to enroll in college courses at the applicable non-resident or international tuition rate. Some exceptions and restrictions apply--contact the CCP Office for details.
Students who are eligible for the CCP program are funded for a specific number of credit hours as determined by a state-provided formula. The families of students who register for additional credit hours are responsible for tuition and fees incurred by students who exceed the approved number of credit hours. Connect with your high school guidance counselor for the number of college credits you are eligible for in an academic year.
Students with a documented disability or are on an IEP and would like to see if you qualify for testing accommodations, please contact Accessibility Services.
Students may register online via their my.sinclair account using the Sinclair Registration Portal. You can also register in person at any Sinclair campus or learning center. Please visit Sinclair's Registration Calendar for registration deadlines.
Students must register for courses prior to the start of each semester.
To view all that Sinclair has to offer, visit the Academic Division page, or browse all of Sinclair's programs.
Please note: "The subject matter of a course enrolled in under the college credit plus program may include mature subject matter or materials, including those of a graphic, explicit, violent, or sexual nature, that will not be modified based upon college credit plus enrollee participation regardless of where course instruction occurs." - From Ohio Revised Code Section 3365.035
Public School students: REQUIRED textbooks are paid by the school district for all public school students. Books can be purchased online via the Sinclair online bookstore, 10 days before the start of each term. These books are the property of the school and should be returned to the school at the end of the course. All REQUIRED course materials are covered by the college and must be acquired via the Sinclair Campus Store.
For Non-Public and Homeschool students: Students who attend a non-public school should check with the school administration to determine if the school will cover the REQUIRED books for CCP courses. Students who attend a non-charted, non-public school or are homeschooled are responsible for purchasing their own textbooks. Sinclair will provide all supplemental supplies required by the course via the Sinclair Campus Store.
Textbook pick up and return process:
Sinclair hosts CCP Information Sessions annually in February/March. Two are held on the Sinclair Dayton Campus and two are held virtually. We will publish information about these sessions in January, including the RSVP link so you can reserve your spot. Information regarding each event will be emailed once your reservation has been completed.
Please visit Sinclair's Registration Calendar for registration deadlines and campus close dates.
Qualifying courses are those eligible for college credit and College Credit Plus funding. These courses are divided into two levels: Level I and Level II.
"First 15" Rule: Students must complete 15 credit hours in Level I courses before progressing to Level II courses.
Level I Courses are:
Level II Courses – Any allowable course that is not a Level I Course
*Exceptions may be given to students who test into a Level II course or have AP/IB credit that places them into a Level II course. See your CCP Coordinator for more information.
Non-allowable Courses
Visit the College Credit Plus Course Eligibility page for a full list of Level I Courses.
Sinclair's School Partner Portal gives school counselors, administrators, and teachers instant 24/7 access to demographic data, student application information, and restricted course schedules and rosters. You can also use the online portal to connect with your CCP Coordinators.
Your school can gain access to the online portal by contacting your CCP Coordinator or emailing
School Partnerships Online Portal
Having trouble logging into the Portal? Use the Portal Troubleshooting Form.
Schools who wish to participate in the College Credit Plus program at Sinclair must complete a MOU Agreement that outlines the terms and conditions under which Sinclair will provide college level courses to their students.
More information is on our School Partners page.
High School teachers are encouraged to apply to teach College Credit Plus courses offered at their high schools.
Certified High School Adjuncts and Proctors are able to access Sinclair's Center of Teaching and Learning that offers resources to assist with teaching and proctoring CCP courses, as well as training and professional development opportunities.
More information is on our School Partners page.
For 2026 high school grads and beyond: Sinclair College CCP participants with at least 24 college credit hours* and a minimum Sinclair GPA of 2.5 as of January 15 of high school graduation year can apply for the CCP THREE to Finish Scholarship, a $1,000 per semester scholarship which is awarded each time students register in 6 or more credit hours per term. It is awarded for a total of three (3) semesters.
*CCP, AP, and/or Tech Prep – must be on Sinclair transcript by June 1st.
Students must apply to be considered for the CCP THREE to Finish Scholarship. Apply early! Applications open January 15th, 2026 and students are selected on a rolling basis until funds are exhausted.
Click HERE for a Frequently Asked Questions sheet with more scholarship details. Email from your my.Sinclair inbox for questions specific to your situation.
For 2022 to 2025 high school grads: The College Credit Plus Free to Finish Scholarship is automatically awarded (no application) for Sinclair College CCP participants who complete at least 24 college credit hours while in CCP with a minimum Sinclair GPA of 2.5 by high school graduation. All credit hours must be posted to students’ Sinclair College transcript by June 1st after high school graduation. Scholarship is for Fall and Spring only (no Summers) and covers tuition and course fees after Pell Grant and any other scholarships. Click HERE for a Frequently Asked Questions sheet with more information about the scholarship. NOTE: This information is meant to be a general guide for students and staff. Email from your my.Sinclair email inbox for questions specific to your student account.
ttn: Parents/Guardians"The subject matter of a course enrolled in under the college credit plus program may include mature subject matter or materials, including those of a graphic, explicit, violent, or sexual nature, that will not be modified based upon college credit plus enrollee participation regardless of where course instruction occurs."
- From
If you are interested in reviewing course materials prior to enrolling in a CCP course, please email your request to