Library LGBTQIA+ Resources & Research - Browse Sinclair Library's LibGuide for information on LGBTQIA+ topics in the form of books, movies, news, and other media types.
Office of the Ombuds - Talk to Sinclair's Ombuds to discuss student concerns and challenges, conflict
resolution, and other issues that may be troublesome.
Title IX - The Office of Title IX can help with sexual orientation and gender-based discrimination and sexual
harassment on campus.
Counseling Services - Sinclair offers free, 24/7 confidential counseling to students.
Accessibility Services - Accessibility Services helps students with physical, psychiatric, or educational disabilities
reach their academic goals.
Food Pantry - The Sinclair Student Food Pantry offers a selection of shelf-stable pantry goods, hygiene products,
cleaning supplies, diapers, formula, and wipes for in-person shoppers.
Office of Diversity - Sinclair offers many events and resources about diversity. Books, movies, podcasts,
resources, and more can be found here.
Chosen Name and Pronouns - Use your chosen name and pronouns through Self-Service.