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Official Logo & Marks

The Sinclair Community College logo is the cornerstone of our brand identity. Its consistent use across all mediums is essential to maintaining our brand’s credibility and recognizability. Only approved versions of the logo may be used; any modifications undermine the brand's integrity and are strictly prohibited.

Approved Logo Versions

The Sinclair logo is one of the most identifiable pieces of the Sinclair brand, and it should not be altered without approval, including recolors and additions of text or design elements.

Primary Version

The primary logo will be used as the preferred version, and has a horizontal and vertical configuration to be used based on available space. This version can include descriptors.

Sinclair primary logo horizontal

Sinclair primary logo vertical stacked

Secondary Version

Secondary logo versions will be used when the primary version is limited design, and will only be used when determined by Marketing. It has a horizontal and vertical configuration to be used based on available space. This version can also include descriptors.

Sinclair secondary logo horizontal

Sinclair secondary logo vertical stacked

Tertiary Versions

This version will be used sparingly, mostly as a page header. It will not include descriptors.

This version, to be used at Marketing’s discretion, will be used when the words "Community College" are not deemed to be necessary, or when "Community College" becomes too small to read.

Sinclair tertiary logo short horizontal

Sinclair tertiary logo college horizontal

Sinclair tertiary logo full horizontal

Sinclair tertiary logo short vertical stacked

Parts of the Logo

The approved logos are single elements, and their parts should not be separated, rearranged or used as incorporations into other elements.

The parts of the logo are as follows:

Sinclair secondary logo parts

  • Mark: the circle with the “S”. The mark can be used for on-campus or novelty items at the discretion of Marketing
  • Wordmark: the text “Sinclair College”, “Sinclair Community College” or in one version, “Sinclair”
  • Descriptor: division or departments can be incorporated as part of the logo depending on the marketing collateral piece and space available, to be determined by Marketing