The Records Center is intended for the storage of college records during the inactive period of their life cycle – when they are no longer in use in the office, but have not yet reached the end of the mandated retention period. Any Sinclair-related, non-organic, non-hazardous materials may be stored in the Records Center. Materials that have no legal, fiscal, or administrative value will be accepted and retained on a space-available basis. If space is needed, any materials not on a retention schedule or past their destruction date will have to be stored elsewhere by the department.
Access the Certificate of Records Transfer on the Intranet under my.Sinclair > Forms Central > Record Management > R3-Certificate of Records Transfer. Instructions are included with the form.
The Ohio Revised Code defines "Records" as any document, device, or item, regardless of physical form or characteristic, created or received by or coming under the jurisdiction of any …office… which serves to document the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or other activities of the office.
Electronic documents are any documents that are created, stored, or used on a computer without being printed out on paper. They are retained based on content, just like paper documents. Consult your retention schedules or contact Records Management at 937-512-2319 for guidance.
College records management policies do not distinguish among media. A document still has the same meaning, whether it is in email, a word document, paper, or on microform. All policies that govern the amount of time a document must be kept apply to all types of documents, no matter what their format.
Users should consult records management staff in regards to how records management policies apply to material contained in electronic mail or other electronic documents.
Email and electronic document users and those in possession of College records in the form of electronic mail or electronic documents are cautioned to be prudent in their reliance on electronic formats for purposes of maintaining a lasting records. Electronic documents should be transferred to a more lasting medium/format where long-term accessibility is not an issue. When in doubt about how to maintain long-term electronic records, users should contact College records management staff for guidance.
Let the Records Manager help you make your filing system lean, mean, and efficient – easily! Contact the Records Manager for a consultation.
Records Management can provide confidential destruction and storage for the College's unused business records that must be kept for legal reasons. Before you destroy business records, check the College’s General Schedule AND your department’s Retention Schedule, or contact Records Management at 937-512-2319 with questions.
Contact the Records Manager to arrange for professional confidential destruction. If the materials are on your department’s retention schedule, you may need to fill out a form first – the Records Manager will let you know.
The Records Manager will present short (15-20 minute) topics for staff meetings or longer presentations/ workshops for groups. Topics include Basic Records Management, Building Efficient Filing Systems, Disaster Preparedness, Keeping Your Desk Clean, Prioritizing, and Managing Electronic Records.
The tasks differ for each office. This is a challenging and involved process, but the rewards are as valuable as your customers, your reputation, and your job. Contact the Records Manager for a training session on how to face potential disaster with confidence.
Some business records have to be kept for certain periods of time for legal reasons. To find out if the business records you want to destroy are no longer needed, check the College’s General Schedule AND your department’s Retention Schedule. Contact the Records Manager at 937-512-2319 with questions.