Articulation Agreements (Outgoing - Pathways to other colleges and universities)
Outgoing agreements with other colleges and universities indicate how Sinclair Community College programs and courses will transfer to those institutions. For additional information, please visit the Transfer Student Services page.
Click on the colleges and universities below to see the outgoing articulation agreements that are in place:
- Accountancy with General, Financial, or Analytics Concentration BS in Business (from AS in Business Administration)
- Anthropology BA (from AA in Liberal Arts)
- Art with Painting Concentration and Art Education Component BFA (from AA in Art Painting)
- Art with Painting Concentration BFA (from AA in Art with Painting)
- Art with Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture or Multidisciplinary Concentration BFA (from AA in Art Ceramics)
- Art with Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture or Multidisciplinary Concentration and Art Education Component BFA (from AA in Art Ceramics)
- Art with Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture or Multidisciplinary Concentration BFA (from AA in Art Drawing)
- Art with Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture or Multidisciplinary Concentration and Art Education Component BFA (from AA in Art Drawing)
- Art with Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture or Multidisciplinary Concentration and Art Education Component BFA (from AA in Art Life and Anatomy Concentration)
- Art with Painting, Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture or Multidisciplinary Concentration BFA (from AA in Art Life and Anatomy)
- Art with Photography Concentration and Art Education Component BFA (from AA in Art Photography)
- Art with Photography Concentration BFA (from AA in Art with Photography)
- Art with Printmaking Concentration and Art Education Component BFA (from AA in Art Printmaking)
- Art with Printmaking Concentration BFA (from AA in Art Printmaking)
- Art with Sculpture Concentration and Art Education Component BFA (from AA in Art Sculpture)
- Art with Sculpture Concentration BFA (from AA in Art with Sculpture)
- Aviation Science and Technology BS (from AAS in Aviation Technology Professional Pilot)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology BS (from Associate of Science)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology BS (from AS in Biology)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology BS (from AS in Chemistry)
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology BS (from AS in Health Sciences Pre-Professional Studies)
- Biological Sciences BA (from AAS in Biotechnology)
- Biological Sciences BA (from AAS in Medical Laboratory Technology)
- Biological Sciences BA (from AAS in Nursing)
- Biological Sciences BA (from AAS in Occupational Therapist Assistant)
- Biological Sciences with Pre-Medicine Option BA (from AAS in Nursing)
- Biological Sciences BA (from AAS in Physical Therapist Assistant)
- Biological Sciences BA (from AAS in Veterinary Technology)
- Biological Sciences BA or BS (from Associate of Science)
- Biological Sciences BA or BS (from AS in Biology)
- Biological Sciences BS (from AS in Health Science Pre-Professional Studies)
- Biomedical Engineering BS (from AS in Engineering and Engineering Technology University Transfer)
- Biomedical Engineering with Pre-Medicine Concentration BS (from AS in Engineering and Engineering Technology University Transfer)
- Business Economics BS in Business (from AS in Business Administration)
- Chemistry BA (from Associate of Science)
- Chemistry BA (from AS in Chemistry)
- Chemistry BA (from AS in Health Science Pre-Professional Studies)
- Chemistry with Chemistry, ACS Certified or Dual Concentration BS (from Associate of Science)
- Chemistry with Chemistry ACS Certified or Dual Major Concentration BS (from AS in Health Science Pre-Professional Studies)
- Chemistry with Chemistry ACS Certified or Dual Major Concentration BS (from AS in Chemistry)
- Communication Studies BA (from AA in Communication Studies)
- Communication Studies with Media Studies or Digital Media and Writing Certificate BA (from AA in Communication Studies)
- Computer Engineering BS (from AS in Engineering and Engineering Technology University Transfer)
- Computer Science BA (from AAS in CIS Network Engineering)
- Computer Science BA (from AAS in CIS Software Development)
- Computer Science BA (from AAS in Cyber Investigation Technology)
- Computer Science BS (from AS in Computer Science)
- Computer Science BS (from AS in Engineering and Engineering Technology University Transfer)
- Crime and Justice Studies BA (from ATS in Criminal Justice OPOTA)
- Crime and Justice Studies BA (from AAS in Criminal Justice Science - Corrections)
- Crime and Justice Studies BA (from AAS in Criminal Justice Science - Law Enforcement)
- Crime and Justice Studies with Air Force Minor BA (from AAS in Criminal Justice Science - Corrections)
- Crime and Justice Studies with Air Force Minor BA (from AAS in Criminal Justice Science - Law Enforcement)
- Crime and Justice Studies with Air Force Studies Minor BA (from ATS in Criminal Justice Science - OPOTA)
- Crime and Justice Studies with Military Science Concentration BA (from ATS in Criminal Justice Science- OPOTA)
- Crime and Justice Studies with Military Science Concentration BA (from AAS in Criminal Justice Science - Corrections)
- Crime and Justice Studies with Military Science Concentration BA (from AAS in Criminal Justice Science - Law Enforcement)
- Economics BA (from AAS in Accounting)
- Economics BA (from AAS in Business Management)
- Economics BA (from Associate of Arts)
- Electrical and Computer Engineering Technology (Track 2) BS (from AS in Engineering and Engineering Technology University Transfer)
- Electrical Engineering BS (from AS in Engineering and Engineering Technology University Transfer)
- Elementary Education P-5 BS in Education (from AA in Elementary Education)
- English with General or TESOL Concentration BA (from AA in Creative Writing)
- English with General or TESOL Concentration BA (from AA in English)
- English with Integrated Language Arts English Education Concentration BA (from Associate of Arts)
- Entrepreneurship BS in Business (from AS in Business Administration)
- Finance with Business Analytics, General Finance, or Investments Concentration BS in Business (from AS in Business Administration)
- Financial-Services BS in Business (from AS in Business Administration)
- Geography BS (from AA in Geography)
- Geography BS (from AAS in Geospatial Technology)
- Health & Physical Education BS in Education (from Associate of Arts)
- History BA (from AA in History)
- Human Resources Management BS in Business (from AS in Business Administration)
- Industrial and Systems Engineering with Applied Systems Concentration BS (from AAS in Industrial Engineering Technology)
- Industrial and Systems Engineering with General Concentration BS (from AS in Engineering and Engineering Technology University Transfer)
- Industrial Systems Engineering with Humans Systems Industrial Engineering Concentration BS (from AS in Engineering and Engineering Technology University Transfer)
- Information Technology and Cybersecurity BS (from AAS in CIS Network Engineering)
- Information Technology and Cybersecurity BS (from AAS in CIS Secure Systems Administration)
- Information Technology and Cybersecurity BS (from AAS in CIS Software Development)
- Information Technology and Cybersecurity BS (from AAS in CIS User Support)
- Information Technology and Cybersecurity BS (from AAS in Cyber Investigation Technology)
- Information Technology and Cybersecurity BS (from AAS Geospatial Technology GIS Analyst Pathway)
- Information Technology and Cybersecurity BS (from AAS Geospatial Technology GIS Programming Specialist Pathway)
- Integrated Human Services BS (from AA in Liberal Arts with Chemical Dependency Counseling Certificate)
- Integrated Human Services BS (from AA in Psychology)
- Integrated Human Services BS (from AA in Social Work)
- Integrated Human Services BS (from AAS in Criminal Justice Science Corrections)
- Integrated Human Services BS (from AAS in Early Childhood Education)
- Integrated Human Services BS (from AAS in Mental Health Services)
- Integrated Human Services BS (from AAS in Occupational Therapy Assistant)
- Integrated Human Services BS (from AAS in Physical Therapist Assistant)
- Integrated Human Services BS (from ATS in Criminal Justice OPOTA)
- International Business BS in Business (from AS in Business Administration)
- International Studies BA (from Associate of Arts with Global Studies Short-Term Certificate)
- Intervention Specialist BS in Education (from Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts)
- Management BS in Business (from AS in Business Administration)
- Management Information Systems with General or Business Analytics Concentration BS in Business (from AS in Business Administration)
- Marketing with General or Business Analytics Concentration BS in Business (from AS in Business Administration)
- Material Science and Engineering BS (from AS in Engineering and Engineering Technology University Transfer)
- Mathematics BA (from AS in Mathematics)
- Mathematics with Data Science Concentration BS (from AS in Mathematics)
- Mathematics with Mathematics Education Concentration BS (from AA in Math Education)
- Mathematics with Mathematics Education Concentration BS (from AS in Mathematics)
- Mathematics with Pure or Applied Mathematics Concentration BS (from AS in Mathematics)
- Mechanical Engineering BS (from AS in Engineering and Engineering Technology University Transfer)
- Media Studies BA (from AA in Multimedia Journalism)
- Medical Laboratory Science BS (from AS in Biology)
- Medical Laboratory Science BS (from Associate of Science)
- Medical Laboratory Science BS (from AAS in Medical Laboratory Technology)
- Middle Childhood Education BS in Education (from Associate of Arts)
- Modern Language with French or Spanish Concentration BA (from AA in Associate of Arts)
- Motion Pictures BA (from AA in Theatre Performance)
- Motion Pictures BA (from AA in Theatre Technology)
- Motion Pictures BA (from Associate of Arts)
- Music Education with Instrumental Band Concentration Bachelor of Music (from AA in Music)
- Music Education with Instrumental Orchestra Concentration Bachelor of Music (from AA in Music)
- Music Education with Vocal-Choral Concentration Bachelor of Music (from AA in Music)
- Music Performance with Brass Concentration Bachelor of Music (from AA in Music)
- Music Performance with Guitar Concentration Bachelor of Music (from AA in Music)
- Music Performance with Organ Bachelor of Music (from AA in Music)
- Music Performance with Percussion Concentration Bachelor of Music (from AA in Music)
- Music Performance with Piano Concentration Bachelor of Music (from AA in Music)
- Music Performance with String Concentration Bachelor of Music (from AA in Music)
- Music Performance with Voice Concentration Bachelor of Music (from AA in Music)
- Music Performance with Woodwind Concentration Bachelor of Music (from AA in Music)
- Nursing (Three-Year Pre-Licensure) BS (from Associate of Arts)
- Nursing (Three-Year Pre-Licensure) BS (from Associate of Science)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Accounting)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Architectural Technology)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Automation & Control Technology with Robotics)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Automotive Technology)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Aviation Technology)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Biomedical Engineering Technology)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Biotechnology)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Business Information Systems)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Business Management)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Business Management Digital Marketing)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Business Management Entrepreneurship)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Business Management Supply Chain Management)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Civil Engineering Technology)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Clinical Laboratory Technology)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Computer Aided Manufacturing CNC Technology)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Computer Aided Manufacturing Precision Machining)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Construction Management Technology)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Data Analytics)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Digital Media Design)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Electronics Engineering Technology)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Fire Science Technology Fire Administration)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Health Sciences)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in HVACR)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Industrial and Systems Engineering Technology)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Internet of Things (loT) Cyber Technician)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Legal Studies)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Mechanical Engineering Technology)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Medical Laboratory Technology)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Occupational Therapy Assistant)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Physical Therapist Assistant)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Quality Engineering Technology)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Radiologic Technology)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from AAS in Respiratory Care)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from ATS in Criminal Justice/OPOTA)
- Organizational Leadership BS (from ATS in Firefighter EMT)
- Physics BS (from AS in Physics)
- Physiology and Neuroscience BS (from Associate of Science)
- Physiology and Neuroscience BS (from AS in Biology)
- Physiology and Neuroscience BS (from AS in Chemistry)
- Physiology and Neuroscience BS (from AS in Health Science Pre-Professional Studies)
- Political Science BA (from AA in Political Science)
- Psychology BA (from AAS in Health Sciences)
- Psychology BA (from AA in Psychology)
- Psychology BA (from AAS in Applied Psychology)
- Psychology BS with General, Behavioral Neuroscience, Clinical Psychology, Cognition and Perception, or Industrial Organization Concentration (from AA in Psychology)
- Psychology BS with General, Behavioral Neuroscience, Clinical Psychology, Cognition and Perception, or Industrial Organization Concentration (from AAS in Applied Psychology)
- Public Health BA (from Associate of Science)
- Public Health BA (from AAS in Community and Public Service)
- Public Health BA (from AAS in Public Health)
- Public Health BS (from AS in Liberal Arts)
- Public Health BS (from AS in Biology)
- Public Health BS (from Associate of Science)
- Sign Language Interpreting BS (from AAS in Interpreter Education)
- Social Science Education BA (from Associate of Arts)
- Social Work BA (from AA in Social Work)
- Social Work BA (from AAS in Addiction Services)
- Social Work BA (from AAS in Community and Public Service)
- Social Work BA (from AAS in Mental Health Services)
- Sign Language Interpreting BS (from AAS in Interpreter Education)
- Sociology BA (from AA in Sociology)
- Sports Science with Health and Fitness Concentration BS in Education (from AAS in Exercise Science)
- Sports Science with Health and Fitness Concentration BS in Education (from AAS in Health Sciences)
- Sports Science with Sports Medicine Concentration BS in Education (from Associate of Science)
- Statistics BS (from AS in Mathematics)
- Statistics with Actuarial Science Concentration BS (from AS in Mathematics)
- Supply Chain Management BS in Business (from AS in Business Administration)