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Sinclair's Innovation of the Year Award

2024 Innovation of the Year Award

This is our 35th Year with the League!

As a board member college of the League for Innovation, Sinclair Community College has participated in the League’s Innovation of the Year Award since 1989! We should all be very proud of the outstanding innovations the College has recognized.

An Innovation of the Year project or program reflect capstone achievements and the continuing renewal of the spirit of innovation and experimentation upon which the League was founded. It is one that fits with the culture of the college while aligning with at least one of Sinclair’s Core Strategies: access, growth, and/or equity. This opportunity is open to all Sinclair employees: faculty, administrators, professionals and support staff (full-time and part-time). Please consider nominating yourself or others by completing the attached application.  The application can be found under Form Central.

The recipient(s) of the Innovation of the Year will be recognized at a reception held by their division, and a plaque and written commendation will be sent to the recipient(s) by the League for Innovation. Additionally, the recipient(s) of the Innovation of the Year award will have the opportunity to present their project at the League's Innovations Conference, in 2024 (held in October or November) or the Innovations Conference (held in March). This conference is a premier event for professionals dedicated to improving teaching and learning and discovering new approaches for enhancing the community college experience.

Innovation of the Year Award Criteria

An Innovation of the Year project should
  • Be original and creative
  • Be repeatable at Sinclair or other colleges
  • Be aligned with at least one of Sinclair’s core strategies
  • Be operational no more than five years
  • Not be submitted more than twice within a five year period
The Committee reviews the following criteria
  • Timeliness (must be more than two years old, but not more than five years old)
  • Creativity
  • Quality
  • Efficiency/Effectiveness
  • Replication
The innovation type can include
  1. Workforce preparation and development
  2. Learning and teaching
  3. Student services and activities
  4. Research, assessment, and accountability
  5. Resource development
  6. Basic skills and developmental education
  7. Leadership and organization
  8. Diversity, equity and inclusion

Innovation of the Year Award Application

Download the Innovation of the Year Award application. The application can also be found at > Forms Central > Miscellaneous

Committee Membership

  • Amanda M. Romero | Chair of the Innovation of the Year Committee | 937-512-2366
  • Robert Chaney | Professor, Mathematics | 937-512-2367
  • Anita Gilkey | Professor, Business Information Systems | 937-512-2168
  • Gregory Hollenbaugh | Enterprise Application Engineer, Application Administration | 937-512-3173
  • Kimberly Collins | Director, University Partnerships | 937-512-4740
  • Bernard McStay, Assistant Professor, Health Information Management | 937-512-4113
  • Tim Waggoner | Professor, English |937-512-2587
  • Gregory Wasmund | Director, Workforce and Organizational Development | 937-512-5182