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OTA Program Mission, Philosophy, and Outcomes

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The Sinclair Community College Occupational Therapy Assistant Program provides high quality, innovative, and evidence-based occupational therapy education to individuals seeking the opportunity to practice as an Occupational Therapy Assistant facilitating participation in life activities thus improving the health, well-being, and quality of life of clients and the community.


The OTA Program at SCC operates on the following beliefs:

  • All people have value.
  • Every person has the right to engage in meaningful occupations of their choice.
  • Occupational performance is a unique experience that results from the transactional relationship among the person, activity, and the context.
  • Every person benefits from participation in occupation.
  • Occupational Therapy utilizes meaningful occupations to create, promote, remediate, restore, maintain, modify, and prevent deficits in occupational performance to achieve the outcome of health, well-being and participation in life.
  • People learn and develop through participation in occupation as it occurs in context.

Goals and Outcomes:

1:  Associate of Applied Science degree in Occupational Therapy Assistant

  • Students will earn an Associate of Applied Science degree in Occupational Therapy Assistant, demonstrating readiness to successfully pass the National Certification Exam in order to obtain employment as an OTA.

2:  Appreciation of Every Human

  • Students will demonstrate knowledge of the role of an individual’s sociocultural background on influencing choice of and participation in meaningful activities.

3:  Ethical, Professional Behaviors

  • Students will demonstrate attitudes and behaviors congruent with the occupational therapy profession’s philosophy, standards and the OT Code of Ethics.
  • Students will participate in a minimum of 4 inter-professional education experiences throughout the program. 
  • Students will effectively use Occupational Therapy Practice Framework language, technology, professional literature and evidence-based research to make informed practice decisions and to communicate in a professional manner.

4:  Recognition of the value of occupations

  • Students will select appropriate and meaningful activities and/or occupations as a means of addressing occupational performance, prevention, health and wellness, quality of life, occupational participation, role competence, well-being and/or occupational justice. 

5:  Entry-level OTA Skills

  • Students will demonstrate the ability to deliver occupational therapy services at OTA entry-level competency under the supervision of an Occupational Therapist (OT) in a variety of settings. 


The total number of graduates from the Sinclair Community College Occupational Therapy Assistant program during the last 3-year period was 47 with an overall graduation rate of 55%.

Detailed Occupational Therapy Assistant Program outcome for the last 3 years
Graduation Year Students Entered Students Graduated Graduation Rate NBCOT Pass Rate
2022 32 19 59% 100%
2023 31 16 52% 100%
2024 23 12 52% TBD
3-Year Total 86 47 55% 100%

Program results from the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) can be found online at School Performance (