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Assessment of Student Learning

Assessment Committee


The Assessment Committee is responsible for reviewing the status of assessment practices at Sinclair and making appropriate recommendations pertaining to the program, course, and general education assessment of student learning and development. The Assessment Committee defines, reviews, and revises the general education outcomes in courses that support these outcomes.


  • At least three and no more than five faculty representatives appointed by each academic dean
  • One Faculty Senate representative
  • Previous Chair of Assessment Committee
  • One representative from Student Services
  • The Assistant Provost for Accreditation and Assessment
  • One representative from Research, Analytics and Reporting.

Additional appointments may be made by the Assessment Committee Chair in consultation with the Curriculum Committee Chair. Only faculty representatives from each academic division are eligible to vote and chair all subcommittees. The Assessment Committee Chair will ensure that faculty membership represents a balance among the academic divisions. All membership positions rotate on a two-year term but may be extended by reappointment. This committee also consists of the following non-voting members: the Chief Academic Officer or designee and the Chair of the Curriculum Committee. The Chief Academic Officer, in consultation with the Chair of the Curriculum Committee, appoints the Assessment Committee Chair, who shall be a tenured faculty member, for a three-year term.

Annual Reports:

At the end of each academic year, the Assessment Committee prepares a report which provides updates on action items.