Sinclair College believes every educated person should possess a set of basic, common knowledge, skills and attitudes. Through Sinclair’s courses and programs of study, a student acquires breadth of knowledge and gains competence to achieve independent intellectual inquiry. Upon completion of an associate degree at Sinclair, the student will be able to demonstrate the following five general education outcomes:
College Vision for Outcomes Assessment:
Program outcomes are identified and assessed within each program. However, the assessment of general education outcomes is in transition. Sinclair is moving from a program-level assessment of general education outcomes toward a hybrid, college-level general education assessment model. This transition began in 2013-2014 with the review of each of the six general education outcomes of the college. After appropriate updates to the outcomes, rubric criteria were developed for measuring student achievement of these outcomes. The next step was identifying appropriate courses and assignments for assessments. Progress to date is described for each outcome.
Currently, all general education outcome data is collected and reported at the department level. The transition to the new model will allow data collection through the Learning Management System (LMS) for extraction at the college level, then disaggregation of data by department, program, major, demographics, etc. Results/Analysis Link