DEH 2507 Lab for Dental Materials
Laboratory and clinical training in Dental Materials. Laboratory sessions give the student skill development for correctly using dental materials with an emphasis on safety and infection control.
Division: Health Sciences
Department: Dental Health Sciences
Repeatable Credit: No
Offered Online: No
Prereqs: None Restricted to Majors
- Demonstrate the proper mixing of impression materials, apply the clinical technique for the appropriate mixing and handling of alginate impressions on patients, use gypsum to properly pour an acceptable study model and correctly trim the model on a model trimmer.
- Demonstrate isolation techniques used to decrease moisture during a dental procedure, including cotton roll isolation and rubber dam application and removal.
- Place an amalgam and a composite restoration on a typodont, and perform margination, amalgam finishing and polishing, and debonding procedures in a laboratory setting.
- Mix and prepare dental cements for cementation, as a base, liner, or temporary direct restoration.
- Demonstrate effective infection control for handling impressions, dental appliances and dental procedures that occur in the operatory and are transferred between the dental operatory and the dental lab.
- Demonstrate the steps in the successful application of dental sealants.
- Perform the steps in the construction of a bleach tray and identify the essential elements of home care instruction for the patient using a professionally supervised, patient applied technique.
Credit Hours: 0