This course will introduce the student to veterinary medicine: the history, marketing systems, economic impact, and legal and current interests. Students will learn to identify a variety of species of animals and breeds within those species. Students will discuss reproductive practices, nutritional impact of feedstuffs, animal husbandry, animal behavior, preventive care and common diseases seen with a wide variety of animal species. Finally, students will be introduced to the human-animal bond and the impact of geriatric medicine and euthanasia on the veterinary technician.
2 Credit Hours
Accompanies Topics in Veterinary Medicine course to provide hands-on learning opportunities. Students will learn how to evaluate a veterinary clinic for safety, prepare an examination room for an animal's visit, check in a patient, gather a history from a client, draw up vaccines, prepare medications, perform basic behavioral analysis and animal restraint techniques, and perform basic diagnostic procedures for a routine preventive care visit. Two lab hours per week.
1 Credit Hour
This course will continue the education of the veterinary technical student in the subjects of: Clinical Sciences, Medical Nursing, Emergency and Critical Care, Pain Management, and the basics of Surgical Nursing.
2 Credit Hours
An introduction to veterinary laws, record-keeping, hospital management, communication, and professionalism. The course will cover such topics as OSHA, state and nationwide veterinary laws, record keeping, and effective communication between coworkers and clients.
1 Credit Hour
An introduction to veterinary medical terminology, veterinary ethics, ethical situations, and a continued focus on professionalism.
1 Credit Hour
This course discusses a variety of common diseases - diagnosis, treatment, and prevention; and the care of a variety of species of animals. This course has a blended curriculum which involves online work and in-class discussions.
2 Credit Hours
Discussion of the Anatomy and Physiology of all major systems in mammalian, reptilian, and avian species. Special attention will be paid to anatomy and physiology as it pertains to common diseases encountered in companion and production animals. Proper use of medical and common terminology when discussing animal anatomy. This is a hybrid course in which some material will be presented online for the student, while discussion of more difficult material will be done in the classroom.
3 Credit Hours
Practicum course in which the student is paired with a screened veterinary practice in order to develop beginning practical skills within a hospital setting. Fourteen practicum hours per week in a Veterinary Practice.
2 Credit Hours
The student will successfully and confidently complete NAVTA-accredited clinical skills for safe animal handling and basic clinical tasks. Fourteen practicum hours per week.
2 Credit Hours
This course will cover internal and external parasites found in veterinary medicine. Areas of content to include life cycles, pathogenesis, treatment, control, and public health concerns.
1 Credit Hour
This course will cover the basics of the care and husbandry of large animal species, as well as specific techniques that the students are required to learn in the care of these animals. The class will be conducted both in lecture as well as lab format, with multiple field trips off-campus for live-animal simulations. All students will be required to develop the essential psychomotor skills required for passage of the course as well as the program. This is an 8-week, limited enrollment course. Four hours of classroom and/or laboratory time per week.
2 Credit Hours
Hands-on learning of comparative anatomy using dissection, 3-D imaging, and 4-D modeling. Two lab hours per week.
1 Credit Hour
In this course, the student develops an understanding for the role diagnostic testing plays in the treatment of animals. Discusses the techniques employed to retrieve, handle, and evaluate laboratory samples. Develops the student's understanding of sterile technique, surgical technique and assistance, and anesthesia application and monitoring. Identifies and discusses the use records management and different surgical procedures in veterinary medicine. This is a lecture course with some hands-on applications.
3 Credit Hours
Laboratory to accompany VET 2115 in order to teach and evaluate clinical skills taught in VET 2115.
1 Credit Hour
This course will offer a brief review of venipuncture and the collection of different samples (blood, urine, feces, skin). It will also review surgical assisting procedures such as gowning, gloving, and passing instruments. This course will provide continuous hands on practice of laboratory tests like manual blood counts, differentials, and centrifugation fecal floatation. Several labs which will include radiology, surgical suturing, and intravenous and urinary catheter placement will be held. Dental care of companion animals will be introduced and practiced within laboratory and clinical settings. This is a 4 credit-hour course that will be offered in A-Term of the Spring semester and is limited to Veterinary Technology Cohort students. Two classroom, four lab hours per week. Blended course in which some of the material is presented in an online format for home-review prior to class discussion.
4 Credit Hours
Practicum course in which the student is paired with a screened veterinary practice in order to advance practical skills within a hospital setting. Included are observational experiences to large, laboratory, and exotic animal facilities to advance experience with a wide variety of animals. Fourteen practicum hours per week in a veterinary practice.
2 Credit Hours
Using examples of real-life veterinary cases, the student will formulate technical assessments, calculate appropriate doses of medications, develop treatment plans, and integrate previously learned knowledge from different courses into cases of animals with systemic and/or multiple diagnoses.
1 Credit Hour
Veterinary Pharmacology, the development, uses, and administration of specific classes of drugs used within veterinary medicine. This will include (but not be limited to) discussions on antibiotics, antiseptics, anti-inflammatories, analgesics, and medications used for the treatment of systemic diseases.
4 Credit Hours
Varied content offering of special interest to the discipline but not covered within existing courses; may be scheduled in a classroom/seminar setting or in nontraditional format.
0.5 - 9 Credit Hours
During this 8-week period, each student will be partnered with an affiliate veterinary hospital. Within each practice, students will uphold proper professional attire and attitude and perform duties as set to them by the practice. This will be an unpaid preceptorship with twenty-five hours expected per week within the hospitals, the additional three hours a week to be used for research and preparation in order to present a senior capstone project. The student will meet weekly with the instructor to discuss progress and concerns.
2 Credit Hours