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PSY 1100 General Psychology

University-parallel course covering topics such as history and systems of psychology, behavioral research methods, physiology of behavior, sensation, perception, learning, memory, consciousness, cognition, personality, lifespan development, gender, social psychology, motivation, emotion, stress, mental disorders and therapies.
3 Credit Hours

PSY 1160 Black Psychology

Multidisciplinary study of theories, cultural themes and psychological constructs used to further promote understanding of thoughts, feelings and behaviors of Black Americans.
3 Credit Hours

PSY 2126 Stress Management

Application of diverse stress management techniques. Topics covered include assertiveness, stress-related personality factors, holistic health, relaxation techniques, communication patterns, cognitive restructuring, and time management.
3 Credit Hours

PSY 2180 Psychology of Gender

An introduction to the basic theories and principles of the psychology of gender in a multicultural context with emphasis on application of social psychology principles to professional and personal awareness. Gender perspectives are considered in a multicultural context. Topics include gender stereotypes and social constructions, theories of gender development, biological and cognitive differences, and implications of gender for work, family, and mental and physical health.
3 Credit Hours

PSY 2200 Lifespan Human Development

Research and theory concerning the physical, cognitive and social development of a person from conception to death, including prenatal and child development, adolescence, adult life crises, marriage, family, work, leisure and senescence.
3 Credit Hours

PSY 2205 Child Development

Research and theory concerning the physical, cognitive and psychosocial development of children from conception to puberty. Covers the impact of genetic, prenatal and environmental factors and challenges appropriate to this age range.
3 Credit Hours

PSY 2206 Adolescent & Adult Development

Research and theory concerning physical, cognitive, social and psychological development from adolescence through old age. Focus is on developmental issues such as identity development, cognitive growth and developmental tasks such as education, marriage, family, work, leisure, aging and facing death.
3 Credit Hours

PSY 2214 Drugs & Behavior

An introduction to behavioral pharmacology examining the major classes of psychoactive substances. Topics include basic principles of neuropharmacology, pharmacodynamics (drug absorption, distribution and elimination) and physiology of tolerance and dependence for each class of drugs.
3 Credit Hours

PSY 2217 Abnormal Psychology

A study of the diagnostic criteria, symptoms, causes and treatments of disorders listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, with an emphasis on current clinical research.
3 Credit Hours

PSY 2218 Principles of Counseling

An introduction to professional issues in counseling with emphasis on the development of basic interviewing and counseling skills, a survey of classic and contemporary theories and techniques of the counseling process, and a comparison of various theoretical approaches.
3 Credit Hours

PSY 2220 Personality Psychology

An introduction to personality with emphasis on principles, research and theories, including psychodynamic, ego-psychology, object relations, trait/biological, phenomenology, behavior-environmental and cognitive/self-regulation.
3 Credit Hours

PSY 2225 Social Psychology

A study of the interaction between individual and social environment within a multicultural context. Topics include: self-concept formation, attitudes, persuasion, attributions, group structure and processes, prejudice, aggression and violence.
3 Credit Hours

PSY 2228 Industrial Organizational Psychology

Introduction to the theories and practices of psychology in the workplace, including human resource management, organizational science, and human factors engineering. Specific topics include motivation and satisfaction, group decision making and development, leadership, workplace politics, employee selection and training, work-related stress, performance appraisal systems, and organizational improvement.
3 Credit Hours

PSY 2235 Behavioral Science Research Methods

Basic research methods for the behavioral sciences covering: correlational/descriptive and laboratory/experimental design methodology, dependent and independent variables, principles of measurement, and reading and writing scientific research reports.
3 Credit Hours

PSY 2236 Behavioral Science Statistics

Basic statistical techniques used in behavioral sciences, including descriptive and inferential statistics, frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and distribution, non-parametric statistics, hypothesis testing, tests of significance, analysis of variance and post-hoc tests.
3 Credit Hours

PSY 2242 Educational Psychology

Principles of learning and development applied to educational settings emphasizing research-supported development of effective learning in varied educational environments.
3 Credit Hours

PSY 2250 Behavior Modification

This course will provide students with knowledge of learning principles and skills required to implement basic behavioral interventions in school, home, industry, clinical, and other social settings. Operant, respondent, and cognitive-behavior modification methods are reviewed in terms of treatment interventions, self-control strategies, and improving productivity in industry.
3 Credit Hours

PSY 2270 Psychology Service Learning

This course will allow students to become involved in a field-related experience. This experience will deepen students' understanding of psychological topics and assist students in applying psychological principles to clinical settings. The specific learning outcomes and forms of evaluation will be determined by the supervising instructor and may vary with the nature of the field experience. Seven practicum hours per week per credit hour.
1 - 3 Credit Hours

PSY 2297 Special Topics

Varied content offering of special interest to the discipline but not covered within existing courses; may be scheduled in a classroom/seminar setting or in nontraditional format.
0.5 - 9 Credit Hours