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Physical Therapist Assistant

PTA 1000 Introduction to Physical Therapy

Purpose, philosophy, history and development of the physical therapy (PT) profession; physical therapist assistant (PTA) duties; PT/PTA relationship; essential functions; legal and ethical responsibilities and professional behaviors; function of regulatory agencies, licensing bodies and professional associations; PTA program expectations; physical therapy practice; communication basics; medical terminology.
2 Credit Hours

PTA 1100 Professional Issues

The American Physical Therapy Association and it's role in supporting physical therapists (PTs), physical therapist assistants (PTAs), and the profession; Professionalism and professional behaviors in the health care setting; Communication and interpersonal skills to build rapport and foster effective teamwork; Introduction to documentation and physical therapy specific medical terminology; Legal and ethical considerations for the practicing PTA; Scope of practice, including the roles and responsibilities of PTs versus PTAs; Introduction to interprofessional collaboration; Critical thinking and problem-solving for evidence-based practice.
1 Credit Hour

PTA 1105 Kinesiology

Exploration and application of clinical kinesiology with an emphasis on biomechanical principles as they relate to anatomical structures, functional movements, and body performance. One classroom, three lab hours per week.
2 Credit Hours

PTA 1120 Functional Anatomy Lecture

Human anatomy and clinical kinesiology with emphasis on integration of neuromusculoskeletal anatomy, physiology, physics principles and biomechanics in relationship to human movement.
2 Credit Hours

PTA 1125 Functional Anatomy Lab

Application of human anatomy and clinical kinesiology with emphasis on integration of neuromusculoskeletal anatomy, physiology, physics principles and biomechanics in relationship to human movement. Six lab hours per week.
2 Credit Hours

PTA 1135 Introduction to Manual Therapy

Introduction to palpation and therapeutic touch; massage and manual therapy for soft tissue; patient draping; physiological effects, therapeutic applications, contraindications, soft tissue mobilization and myofascial release for the body. Four lab hours per week.
2 Credit Hours

PTA 1140 Introduction to Therapeutic Exercise Lecture

Theory of the use of basic therapeutic exercises and functional activities.
1 Credit Hour

PTA 1145 Introduction to Therapeutic Exercise Lab

Performance of basic treatment, therapeutic exercises, and functional activities. Six lab hours per week.
2 Credit Hours

PTA 1155 Functional Anatomy

The study and application of human anatomy and clinical kinesiology with emphasis on integration of neuromusculoskeletal anatomy, physiology, physics principles and biomechanics in relationship to human movement. Two classroom, four lab hours per week.
4 Credit Hours

PTA 1165 Manual Therapy

Theory of the physiological effects, indications, and contraindications of therapeutic touch and manual therapy and the therapeutic application of palpation, patient draping, and manual techniques, including massage, soft tissue mobilization, myofascial release, and joint mobilization as a portion of therapeutic treatment interventions. Four lab hours per week.
2 Credit Hours

PTA 1200 Pathology for the Physical Therapist Assistant

Recognition of pathology and clinical rationale for the appropriate therapeutic management of physiological responses in body systems associated with commonly treated pathological conditions.
3 Credit Hours

PTA 1215 Functional Mobility

Theory, clinical rationale and application of therapeutic interventions utilized in the practice of physical therapy, with emphasis on demonstration of knowledge, skillful performance and patient education related to functional mobility and gait training. Six lab hours per week.
3 Credit Hours

PTA 1220 Neuropathology

Structure and function of the nervous system; recognition of pathology and clinical rationale for the appropriate therapeutic management of commonly treated neurological diseases/conditions.
1 Credit Hour

PTA 1230 Orthopedic Principles & Application Lecture

Theory and clinical rationale for the use of common tests, measures, data collection procedures, basic treatment, therapeutic exercises, and functional activities for common orthopedic and musculoskeletal diagnoses seen in a general population.
2 Credit Hours

PTA 1235 Orthopedic Principles & Application Lab

Application and performance of common tests, measures, data collection procedures, basic treatment, therapeutic exercises, and functional activities for common orthopedic and musculoskeletal diagnoses seen in a general population. Nine lab hours per week.
3 Credit Hours

PTA 1245 Clinical Assessment for the Physical Therapist Assistant

Theory, clinical rationale, application and performance of common tests, measures, and data collection procedures utilized in the practice of physical therapy. Six lab hours per week.
2 Credit Hours

PTA 1300 Pathophysiology for the PTA

Recognition of pathology and clinical rationale for the appropriate therapeutic management of physiological responses in body systems associated with commonly treated pathological conditions. One classroom, three lab hours per week.
2 Credit Hours

PTA 1325 Neuropathophysiology

Structure and function of the nervous system; recognition of pathology and clinical rationale for the appropriate therapeutic management of commonly treated neurological diseases/conditions. One classroom, three lab hours per week.
2 Credit Hours

PTA 1350 Therapeutic Exercise

Theory, clinical rationale and performance of the use of basic therapeutic exercises and functional activities. Application and performance of common tests, measures and data collection procedures. One classroom, nine lab hours per week.
4 Credit Hours

PTA 1375 Professional Issues II

Professional responsibilities in the health care setting including, but not limited to: communication, ethics & values, documentation/billing, career development, business management, and cultural diversity; Exploration of specialty and niche areas of physical therapy practice; Preparation for clinical practicum.
1 Credit Hour

PTA 2297 Special Topics

Varied content offering of special interest to the discipline but not covered within existing courses; may be scheduled in a classroom/seminar setting or in nontraditional format.
0.5 - 9 Credit Hours

PTA 2305 Neuromuscular Rehabilitation

Therapeutic treatment interventions for the treatment of patients living with neurological conditions. Six lab hours per week.
2 Credit Hours

PTA 2315 The Medically Complex Patient

Theory and application of physical therapy treatment techniques for more complex and specialized diagnoses including, but not limited to, cardiovascular, pulmonary and multisystem disorders. Four lab hours per week.
2 Credit Hours

PTA 2325 Modalities

Application of commonly used passive and mechanical physical agents, with emphasis on safe application of the treatment intervention. Four lab hours per week.
2 Credit Hours

PTA 2330 Seminar for Clinical Practicum I

Integration of didactic and clinical skills and their application of principles in the clinical setting including, but not limited to, concepts related to billing, insurance, and quality assurance.
1 Credit Hour

PTA 2335 Clinical Practicum I

Introductory experience in the clinical setting under the supervision of a clinical instructor who is a physical therapist or physical therapist/physical therapist assistant team. Application of theories and techniques for patient interventions, and interprofessional collaboration. Students will complete 300 practicum hours in 8 weeks.
2 Credit Hours

PTA 2355 Physical Agents

Application of thermal, mechanical and electromagnetic physical agents, with emphasis on safe application of the treatment intervention. Four lab hours per week.
2 Credit Hours

PTA 2365 Orthopedics

Theory, clinical rationale, application and performance of commonly used tests, measures, data collection procedures, basic treatment, therapeutic exercises, and functional activities for common orthopedic and musculoskeletal diagnoses seen in a general population. Two classroom, six lab hours per week.
4 Credit Hours

PTA 2400 Advanced Topics

Exploration of specialty and niche areas of physical therapy practice and ethical situations; resume writing; utilization of current evidence to educate others. Physiology and rational for use and application of emerging and re-emerging biophysical agents. Two classroom, two lab hours per week.
3 Credit Hours

PTA 2405 Modalities II

Physiology and rationale for use and application of biophysical agents including, but not limited to, hydrotherapy, biofeedback, light therapies and taping. Two lab hours per week.
1 Credit Hour

PTA 2430 Seminar for Clinical Practicum II

Integration of didactic and clinical skills and their application of principles in the clinical setting including, but not limited to, career development and lifelong learning, risk management, and defensible documentation; preparation for national licensure.
1 Credit Hour

PTA 2435 Clinical Practicum II

Advanced experience in the clinical setting under the supervision of a clinical instructor who is a physical therapist or physical therapist/physical therapist assistant team. Application of theories and techniques for patient interventions, documentation, and interprofessional collaboration. Students will complete 300 practicum hours in 8 weeks.
2 Credit Hours