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Political Science

PLS 1120 American Federal Government

American political system at the national level, including process of government; democratic theory and development of the U. S. Constitution; citizen participation through voting; interest groups and political parties; structure, functions and powers of legislative, executive and judicial branches; issues of civil liberties and equal rights.
3 Credit Hours

PLS 1232 State & Local Government

The study of state and local governments (with emphasis on Ohio), organizational structures of state and local governments, state constitutions, county and city charters, state and local government powers and programs, financing, and taxation, and trends in government programs are all documented and analyzed.
3 Credit Hours

PLS 1302 Public Policy and Practice

Provides an overview of public policy, including history, actors, the policy formulation cycle, contemporary political issues, policy adoption, policy implementation, policy impact, evaluation, and change.
3 Credit Hours

PLS 2200 Political Life, Systems & Issues

Basic political and government concepts and systems, including ideologies and comparative political systems; current political issues in Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America, along with United States interests and policy options.
3 Credit Hours

PLS 2220 International Relations

Principles and techniques of international politics, including theories, organizations and different world perspectives.
3 Credit Hours

PLS 2297 Special Topics

Varied content offering of special interest to the discipline but not covered within existing courses; may be scheduled in a classroom/seminar setting or in nontraditional format.
0.5 - 9 Credit Hours

PLS 2860 Model UN/International Issues

History and structure of the United Nations with an in-depth look at selected current world issues; participation in Model UN simulations and opportunity to attend the Dayton Model United Nations Conference and/or other Model UN conferences.
3 Credit Hours

PLS 6297 Non-Credit Special Topics

Non-credit offering of special interest to the discipline but not covered within existing courses.
0 Credit Hours