Introduction to the teaching profession. A variety of experiences to facilitate exploration of the role of school and its relationship to society. The knowledge, skills, dispositions and performances necessary for an individual to become an effective teacher.
3 Credit Hours
This is a required course for all preservice teachers. It encompasses effective identification, location, evaluation, design, preparation and efficient usage of technology as an instructional resource in the classroom. Candidates will develop increased classroom communication abilities through lectures, discussions, modeling, laboratory experiences and completion of a comprehensive project.
3 Credit Hours
Introduction to the identification, developmental characteristics, foundations, theory, legal issues and intervention strategies for exceptional children and youth across educational and community settings.
3 Credit Hours
This course includes art and music education for elementary education teachers. Including philosophy, skills, teaching techniques, concepts, and materials. Focus on using art and music as teaching tools with other subjects to enhance student learning.
3 Credit Hours
Students will be introduced to concepts of creating and preserving a setting in which children are afforded a safe, productive and responsive learning environment. The course intentions are for pre-service teachers to be exposed to, interact with and become prepared through an array of practical theories and practices to develop and maintain sustainable classroom cultures and climates affording all students the opportunity for an equitable quality of education.
3 Credit Hours
As a part of the teacher education program students are to spend time observing and engaging in K-12 classroom. The nature of this course requires the student to be in a K-12 school classroom for weeks 1-8. The student will spend a total of 25 hours observing in a K-12 classroom as well as one class period on the first day of the semester and the last week of the semester in class on Sinclair's campus. Students will have required reading, projects and connection engagement log and weekly reflective journal writings.
1 Credit Hour
As a part of the teacher education program students are to spend time observing and engaging in K-12 classrooms. Students will spend a total of 25 hours observing in a K-12 classroom throughout the semester. Additional requirements include readings, projects, a connection engagement log, and weekly reflective journal writings. An FBI/BCI background check must be completed and passed prior to registration.
1 Credit Hour
This course is an introductory course that looks at the effects of trauma on the brain, learning, and social and emotional intelligence.
3 Credit Hours
This course explore brain development and the impact of trauma on individual development. Students will learn about social emotional development and apply trauma sensitive approaches that align with brain development.
3 Credit Hours
Trauma-Informed Classrooms will explore and create a foundational understanding of the characteristics, effects, teaching strategies, and teacher expectations and responsibilities to assist in working with children in grades K-5 who experienced trauma .
3 Credit Hours
Varied content offering of special interest to the discipline but not covered within existing courses; may be scheduled in a classroom/seminar setting or in nontraditional format.
0.5 - 9 Credit Hours