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AGR 1110 Introduction to Large Animal Sciences: Handling & Husbandry

Introduction to Large Animal Sciences will provide the student with knowledge and practical experience of safe handling practices and husbandry management for various farm animal species. Specifically, students will learn about animal contributions to our society, production systems, animal breeding, nutrition, and contemporary agriculture issues today.
3 Credit Hours

AGR 1111 Principles of Large Animal Reproduction

The course will provide students with in-depth information on the physiological mechanisms controlling the reproductive processes in production animals. Students will understand comparative differences in the anatomy, function, and regulation of male and female reproductive systems. Students will also learn key concepts in reproduction as it applies to animal management systems.
3 Credit Hours

AGR 1112 Principles of Large Animal Nutrition

The course will discuss the fundamentals of animal nutrition and feedstuffs dealing with principles of digestion, absorption, assimilation and utilization of nutrients, balancing of rations, and feeding of livestock.
3 Credit Hours

AGR 1113 Animal Management

Students will apply knowledge of production animal care to enhance animal growth and selection of breeding stock. Topics will include nutrition principles, feed utilization, animal welfare, facility selection and management, herd populations, and management practices. Throughout the course, students will develop management plans reflecting practices for care and legal compliance.
3 Credit Hours

AGR 1160 Introduction to Agriculture Science

This class is an overview of the Agriculture Industry. Guest lecture presentations, field trips, career research, and industry personnel interviews provide students with real-world examples of the skills and abilities necessary to compete in the world of Agriculture Science.
1 Credit Hour

AGR 1200 Agricultural Economics

Introductory course on the basic principles of agricultural economics. Principles of supply and demand, resource economics, production optimization, price elasticity, market price determination, competitive versus noncompetitive market models, and agricultural public policy. These principles are applied to agriculture and the role of agriculture in the United States and world economies.
3 Credit Hours

AGR 1201 Horticulture I

An overview of the horticulture profession, including its role and importance throughout history, current trends, and career opportunities, will be covered. Particular attention is given to horticulture crops, plant classification, use, and the interrelationships between environment, plant growth, and plant development. Two classroom, two lab hours per week.
3 Credit Hours

AGR 1202 Science of Soil

Soil as part of natural and managed ecosystems and landscapes. Solid, liquid, and gas phases and their interactions in the soil. Water, gas and heat movement in soil. Soil biology. Plant nutrient acquisition and use. Soil development, management and use. Two classroom, two lab hours per week.
3 Credit Hours

AGR 1203 Trees & Shrubs

Emphasizes the growth process in production of fruits, vegetables, flowers, lawns, trees, and shrubs. Studies include planning, preparation and care of home grounds. Fundamental concepts in plant identification, growth, culture, landscape and design are also studied. Two classroom, two lab hours per week.
3 Credit Hours

AGR 1204 Plant Propagation

This course will familiarize the student with methods of increasing plant numbers and producing a marketable product. Topics include growth structures, media, plant culture, sexual and asexual reproduction, grafting, and nursery management. Practical greenhouse and field experience included. Two classroom, two lab hours per week.
3 Credit Hours

AGR 1205 Greenhouse Management

This course is designed to prepare students to manage a greenhouse operation. Students in this class will learn to produce various ornamental and food crops. An understanding of structures, crop selection, and growing systems will be explored. Two classroom, two lab hours per week.
3 Credit Hours

AGR 1206 Horticulture II

This course will allow students to apply knowledge of plant growth in field containers, pot-in-pot methods while integrating acquired plant production methods. Students will use binomial nomenclature of trees, flowers and turf grasses to accurately label and classify plant product. Two classroom, two lab hours per week.
3 Credit Hours

AGR 1207 Greenhouse Applications

This course will give hands on practical experience in greenhouse employment. One classroom, four lab hours per week.
3 Credit Hours

AGR 1208 Sustainable Landscape Design

This course will assess the design problems/situations, the development of solutions and the communication of those solutions to the client through the design. Specific topics include designing for ecosystem maintenance/enhancement, introduction to using color in landscape designs and rendering section/elevation views. Two classroom, two lab hours per week.
3 Credit Hours

AGR 1209 Greenhouse Management Capstone

This course is the culminating course in the greenhouse management certificate. This course combines the knowledge obtained in AGR 1201 through AGR 1208 resulting in an applicable working understanding of how to manage a greenhouse in today's economy. Two classroom, two lab hours per week.
3 Credit Hours

AGR 1300 Agronomy

Crop growth and development, pesticide safety and application, properties of the soil, and conservation practices of Ohio’s row crops are all covered in detail in this engaging curriculum dealing with the form and function of the crops that shape agriculture in Ohio, and the practices that we as agriculturalists take daily to keep them healthy and pertinent in society.
3 Credit Hours

AGR 1400 Agriculture Internship

Agricultural Internship provides an opportunity for students to apply concepts learned in the Agriculture AAS degree to learning in a professional setting. Fourteen practicum hours per week.
2 Credit Hours