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PHI 2204 Great Books: Philosophy

Introduction to selected great books in the history of Western Philosophy. Three eras will be introduced (ancient/medieval, modern and contemporary) and studied within their respective historical contexts.
3 Credit Hours

PHI 2205 Introduction to Philosophy

Basic nature of philosophy, its relationship to physical and social sciences and theology and its value to the individual.
3 Credit Hours

PHI 2206 Introduction to Ethics

Historical inquiry into the major concepts and attitudes of moral and ethical theory in Western society, emphasizing the role of human responsibility and the conditions for making ethical judgments.
3 Credit Hours

PHI 2207 Logic

Principle elements in deductive and inductive logic. Analysis of three acts of the intellect and the laws of reasoning. Application of principles to specific cases.
3 Credit Hours

PHI 2208 Symbolic Logic

This course explores techniques in logical analysis using both philosophical and mathematical processes. Students will focus on constructing and evaluating deductive arguments, engage in symbolic translation, recognize formal argument forms, use truth-tables to analyze statements and arguments, conduct proofs, and learn and apply the rules of sentential and predicate logic.
3 Credit Hours

PHI 2297 Special Topics

Varied content offering of special interest to the discipline but not covered within existing courses; may be scheduled in a classroom/seminar setting or in nontraditional format.
0.5 - 9 Credit Hours