DIT 1111 Nutrition for Health & Fitness
Overview of general nutrition principles focusing on healthy food choices, disease prevention and sports nutrition. Explores fad diets, herb/supplements and use of ergogenic aids. Incorporates effective use of nutrition information from reliable sources as well as personal responsibility in a professional setting.
Division: Health Sciences
Department: Nutrition and Dietetics
Repeatable Credit: No
Offered Online: No
Prereqs: NONE
- Identify various nutritional supplements and ergogenic aids. Evaluate their safety and effectiveness while listing indications/contraindications for use.
- Identify nutrition experts and professional organizations. Define legal responsibility for professional practice.
- Assess nutrient content of personal diet through food guide pyramid recommendations and food labels.
- Identify the essential nutrients, their functions and food sources to assess nutrient content of personal diet.
- State dangers of fad diets. Evaluate various fad diets for safety.
Credit Hours: 3
Classroom Hours: 3