EGV 2501 Waste Management
Develop a working knowledge of present waste-management practices including minimization, storage, transportation, treatment and disposal of various waste related to the life cycle of a given activity and corrective actions related to contamination. Two classroom, three lab hours per week.
Division: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Department: Engineering Technology Design
Repeatable Credit: No
Offered Online: No
- Identify sources of waste generation, methods of collection, treatment and disposal and identify strategies for minimization including (but not limited to) raw material substitution, volume reduction, recycling, and reuse strategies.
- Define and understand terms used in waste management including (but not limited to) generator status, solid waste, hazardous waste, recycling, reuse, treatment methods and codes.
- Discuss the regulations relating to the treatment, storage and disposal facilities of hazardous wastes.
- Apply economic assessment to evaluate waste management alternatives and determine cost versus benefit analysis.
- List the federal laws governing waste storage, treatment and disposal from state standards and regulations through local ordinances.
- Demostrate a working knowledge of the federal hazardous materials transportation law including labels, placards, packaging and waste manifest.
Credit Hours: 3
Classroom Hours: 2
Lab Hours: 3