END 1285 Lab for Intermediate EEG
Lab for Intermediate Electroencephalography (EEG) will identify clinical significance of epileptiform patterns, pharmacological effects on EEG recordings; EEG correlation of infection; and vascular and structural disease. Analyze criteria for specialized recording techniques used in prolonged EEG recordings, specialized areas of the hospital, such as intensive care and operating room. Perform EEG signal analysis.
Division: Health Sciences
Department: Electroneurodiagnostic Tech
Repeatable Credit: No
Offered Online: No
Prereqs: NONE
- Demonstrate the procedures for customizing EEG recordings.
- Identify technical criteria for electrocerebral inactivity, neonatal EEG, pediatric EEG and intensive care or cardiac care units.
- Apply the principles of electronics and mathematics to recording and differentiate effects on waveforms.
- Identify EEG patterns within the laboratory setting.
Credit Hours: 0