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ENG 0101 English Composition I Booster

This course is taken in conjunction with ENG 1101, English Composition I. ENG 0101 will be designed to provide additional instruction in writing conventions, practice in critical reading, and other supports for the major assignments in ENG 1101. Note: Courses that begin with a zero are developmental in nature. Credit earned in developmental courses will not apply to the overall program hours.
2 Credit Hours

ENG 1101 English Composition I

In English Composition I students learn reflective, analytical and argumentative writing strategies, incorporating sources and personal experience. Students will negotiate between public and private rhetorical situations and purposes to achieve academic literacy. They will write multiple drafts using a recursive writing process as they work toward fluency in style and mechanics.
3 Credit Hours

ENG 1131 Business Writing

Using audience analysis, a writing process and grammatical and formatting skills in an electronic environment, students write letters and messages for both internal and external business situations; they conduct business research and write and document short, informal research business reports, incorporating graphics and presentation materials.
3 Credit Hours

ENG 1199 Textual Editing

Strategies to achieve a clear, concise, cohesive and emphatic writing style; sentence structure; contemporary grammar and usage.
3 Credit Hours

ENG 1201 English Composition II

English Composition II, building on the skills in English Composition I, develops rhetorical literacy through research, critical reading and multigenre writing tasks. Through major and minor, cumulative and stand-alone assignments, students construct arguments and analyses, ethically incorporating academic sources while developing their own voices as writers and citizens.
3 Credit Hours

ENG 2250 Introduction to Creative Writing

Develop skills for understanding and analyzing the art and craft of writing fiction, literary nonfiction, poetry, and drama, focusing on the basics of writing creatively including description, image, rhythm, sound, metaphor, voice, storytelling, and character. Develop critical editorial skills for peers' work. Discuss how a particular work is successful and how to make it stronger. Read published stories, essays, poems, and plays that represent a variety of diverse voices in terms of craft. Learn how to apply the techniques of a diverse array of writers to their own writing. Explore hybrid forms and emerging media.
3 Credit Hours

ENG 2255 Poetry Writing

Writing and critical reading of poetry. Manuscript form, publication and market information.
3 Credit Hours

ENG 2256 Fiction Writing

Traditional elements of short stories (character, scene, conflict, exposition, dialogue, plot and point of view) will be studied, involving student practice in a workshop setting. In addition to extensive student practice, students will read and analyze the work of published writers, learn how to submit their own work for publication and extensively study and write in one or more literary genres. Students will also study alternative or experimental fiction writing techniques.
3 Credit Hours

ENG 2257 Creative Writing: Nonfiction

Nonfiction writing covers magazine, newspaper and Internet article writing. It emphasizes generating, researching and developing nonfiction.
3 Credit Hours

ENG 2259 Novel Writing

Novel writing covers advanced study of traditional novel elements in a workshop setting, including the mechanics of manuscript submission.
3 Credit Hours

ENG 2262 Writing to Publish

This course introduces students to concepts and procedures related to publishing writing, as well as the business and professional aspects of establishing and maintaining a writing career. Topics covered include submission procedures, self-promotion, working with editors and social media, giving readings, and conducting workshops. The types of publishing houses and presses, as well as professional conduct and correspondence is also covered in this course. By the end of this course, students will have an understanding of how to publish their work and market their writing.
3 Credit Hours

ENG 2297 Special Topics

Varied content offering of special interest to the discipline but not covered within existing courses; may be scheduled in a classroom/seminar setting or in nontraditional format.
0.5 - 9 Credit Hours

ENG 6297 Non-Credit Special Topics

Non-credit offering of special interest to the discipline but not covered within existing courses.
0 Credit Hours