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FST 1521 Incident Safety Officer

This course meets NFPA 1521, Standard for Fire Department Safety Officer Professional Qualifications, Chapter five Incident Safety Officer. It is designed for fire and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) responders who may be designated by the Incident Commander (IC) as an ISO while working within an Incident Command System (ICS).

Division: Business and Public Services
Department: Fire Science Technology
Repeatable Credit: No
Offered Online: No

Prereqs: NONE   Approval of Department 


  • Students will demonstrate and understanding of the NFPA 1521 Standard, Describe the relationship between empirical and image factors and the need for an ISO, Identify and explain the five steps of classic risk management, and Define the differences between regulations, codes, laws, and guides.
  • Students will describe the effects that fire has on building materials, Describe structural collapse indicators, Describe how fire behavior affects firefighting efforts, and Define Situational awareness.
  • Students will demonstrate proficiency in identifying the components of an incident action plan (IAP), be able to list three ISOs and how they can render the ISO ineffective, Describe methods used to ensure member accountability at an incident scene, Identify imminent threats t firefighter safety, Describe elements of a postincident analysis, Describe the data needed to conduct a safety investigation.

Credit Hours: 3

Classroom Hours: 3