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SOC 2214 Applied Population Demography

Introduction to the study of human populations and the process that governs their change, fertility, migration and mortality. Application and comparison of demographic data related to the United States Census, emphasizing current and future social and economic trends through computer applications for demographic research.

Division: Liberal Arts, Communication and Social Sciences
Department: Sociology
Repeatable Credit: No
Offered Online: No

Prereqs: NONE  


  • Explain global mortality and fertility trends through discussions and subsequent workbook development.
  • Apply basic demographic computer applications to analyze social and economic research.
  • Prepare appropriate demographic workbooks related to the United States Census data.
  • Utilize and demonstrate mastery of basic demographic concepts and terminology.
  • Examine trends in age, sex, race and ethnic populations through the analysis of demographic data.

Credit Hours: 3

Classroom Hours: 3